BMI Congress Report #2

Day 594, 14:42 Published in Germany Germany by Bundesministerium des Inneren

As promised, this is the second transparency report from the Ministry of Interior, written by Lifthrasir.

Why don’t we have a Minister of Finance by Heir Holly

-Heir asked why this important position isn’t manned and added a poll if we need one
-Gobba answered, that until now he couldn’t find someone fitting for this task

-[Poll] YES 7 NO 3 ABSTAIN 1

New Armed Forces by Quite German Nationist

-QGN accepted that the Bundeswehr is sufficient for now

War Aftermath by Gobba

-the negotiations with Italy have come to an end
-all regions except Bavaria will be returned to Germany
-Bavaria will stay Italian until 12th August
-Germany will pay: 450g, 250g in Iron, 250g in Weapons
-Additional the wars with PEACE will be ended starting with France
-the peace proposal already got enough votes to pass

First Meeting by The German Eagle

-3 additional Congressmen have proven their activity, now totaling 26

Global Voting Procedure by Habraka Abrivianius

-Habraka started an additional thread to vote on his ideas for reforming and strengthen the congress forum

-[Poll] YES 2 NO 5 ABSTAIN 1
-congressmen currently vote it down mainly because they think it should be adjusted further

Embargo against Poland/Sweden by Heir Holly

-Despite a big majority pro Embargo, Gobba denied charging an embargo, for he thinks it would threaten Germany's just-gained freedom
-some congressmen then also changed their mind against an embargo

-[Poll Sweden] YES 20 NO 4
-[Poll Poland] YES 22 NO 2

Restructuring of the Bundeswehr by Loki

-Loki published the new structure for the BW
-Expeditionskorps: highly active, mobile, willing to spend their money for the BW
-Luftwaffe: highly active, mobile
-Alarmreserve: Highly active, immobile
-Heer: the rest
-Recruiting will start in the near future

How do we get more congresspersons in the Forum? by Heir Holly

-so far the conclusion seems to be to PM the inactive ones

About Congresspeople who resign In-Game by Herrmueller

-mueller asked if Congresspeople that resign in-game should be denied access to the congress forum
-the congress is largely undecided, some think it should be a case-by-case decision

-[Poll] YES 7 NO 3 ABSTAIN 4

War Games by Gobba

-Gobba asked if we want to join Canadian Wargames for 50g and 5g every additional fight

[Poll] YES 14 - (Other alternatives are being checked as well)

Why do we have this Forum? by Habraka Abrivianius

-Habraka doubts the effectiveness of the Forum, for there is more discussion than decission
-many agree

I would like to thank Lifthrasir for his hard work in bringing some more "official" transparency to eGermany.

Mark Wahlberg
Minister of Interior