BMI Congress Report #1

Day 589, 18:21 Published in Germany Germany by Bundesministerium des Inneren

This is the first BMI transparency report, including all of the Congress discussions of the past week.
Raising Taxes to a Higher Level - Habraka Abrivianus

Habraka proposes higher overall taxes in order to have more funds for the German defences.

Opinions are divided
Main points are that the money should stay with the citizens for higher consumption and private investments and that the Bundesbank wouldn’t be able to transfer the extra DEM into gold
Congressmen Sign-up - The German Eagle

The German Eagle requested that Congressmen post in the thread to see who’s active in the Forum
So far 23 Have signed
No Discussion for Donations - Habraka Abrivianus

Habraka proposed that the country treasury should be transferred to the Bundesbank automatically when it reaches certain amount and should not require the making of a proposal thread in the Congress forum

Little response so far, but mainly in favor
Officially Recognize Austria as an Independent State - Mark Wahlberg

Mark requested the Austro-German-Union should officially be declared dissolved and Austria accepted as an independent state

Pro 12 Against 2 Abstain 1
Transperency on Bundeswehr structure changes - keksjanik

Keksjanik asked to be better informed on the planned structure changes in the Bundeswehr

Loki didn’t answer directly so far but promised the changes soon to be released
Embargo against Poland and Sweden - Heir Holley

Heir Holley asked for an embargo against the two nations, as Elisa Vorimberg showed that many grain companies in Germany are actually only producing for those countries

Pro 18 Against 4
Congress Order - Herrmueller

Mueller asked for a law that binds congressmen to vote no on in-game proposals that weren’t discussed in the Forum

Most seem to be in favor
Condemnation of Polish PTO in Bolivia - JoeWaschl

Joe asked that the German Government officially condemns the political takeover

Pro 11 Against 2 Abstain 4
Access to state Organisations - Habraka Abrivianius

Habraka asked who has access to certain state-owned organizations and the names of not yet known organizations

Loki refuses to reveal additional orgs and people with access in order to keep military secrets from enemys
IRC Congress Cairman - Lhasa

Lhasa asked Congress to elect a Chairman who moderates the IRC-Channel

So far Rotfuchs was nominated
Donate Gold - Habraka Abrivianus

Habraka proposed to transfer 31 gold to Bundesbank

This proposal was placed in-game and accepted
Q4 Defence system - Habraka Abrivianius

Habraka bought a Q4 defence system and proposed to put it in Brandenburg to protect against Polish threats
Q5 Hospital - Habraka Abrivianius

Habraka bought a Q5 Hospital and proposed to put it in Saarland, for it is the safest region against Sweden and Poland

This proposal was placed in-game and accepted
Donations to Bundesbank - Heir Holley

Heir Holley proposed to donate all treasury to the Bundesbank except 5000 DEM and 15 Gold to protect it in case of an invasion

So far no replies
Higher Minimum Wage - keksjanik

Keksjanik proposed a Minimum Wage of 2 DEM to help new players

Most are against, for the skill 0 players would reach skill 1 quickly for better jobs
Polish threat to PTO Germany - Bush da Bunny

Bush da Bunny asked if this is a real threat. Most think it’s just a diversion, as there is no posibility for the Poles to get a

president into office, but we should be careful
Joining PEACE War Games - Habraka Abrivianius

Habraka asked if Germany planned on joining the war games

It is said, that it is too expensive right now, especially with costs concerning the outcome of the negotiations with Italy

Habraka then came up with an alternative,

A resistance war in Syddanmark financed by him and the Danish President

the RW already started, people are asked to fight on the red side
Reasons for Danish provinces Being Under German Control - El Dau

El Dau asked why Germany got control over the two Danish regions

No official statements, but hungary has less trouble with Sweden this way, and Sweden can’t attack us without declaring a new war, so there are no worries
Weapon Tax Change - Juran

Juran asked if and at what amount the tax should be changed to

The tax change got accepted with 11 against 4 votes and the amount set to
VAT 13% Import 40% Income 12%

The proposal was placed in-game and seems to pass 26 against 4 so far
Ticket Tax Change - Rotfuchs

Rotfuchs asked to change the tax to Import 30% Income and VAT 13% mainly to protect the German market from foreign companies

Congress is devided Pro 4 Against 4 Abstain 1
Voting in the Forum - Habraka Abrivianius

Habraka proposed a new procedure for the voting in the Forum, which includes a Chairman who oversees the voting and counts the forum-votes prior to the in-game ones. Also, the congress-forum would get additional sub-forums for better overview
Negotiations with Italy - Habraka Abrivianius

Habraka asked how the negotiations are going.

Gobba has posted the answer in the Bundeskanzleramt newspaper

Thank you for reading the first official transparency report, courtesy of Lifthrasir, and you can expect more every three or four days.

Mark Wahlberg
Minister of the Interior