BM Punk for Congress! (September 2012)

Day 1,768, 09:56 Published in Switzerland Bolivia by BM Punk

Hello citizens of Switzerland!, I thank you for your dedicated a moment of time to read this article, where the motive that moves me to write is to let you know my proposal to develop as a Congressman, starting first with a review of my experience and user link and then proceed to let them know about my proposal.

Here is a small overview of who I am:

I was born on August 27, 2012, since then I have the honorable task of working in Switzerland, and then proceed to give me information on:

* Name of City: BM Punk
* Link:
* Level: 24
* National Ranking: 107
* Military Rank: Lieutenant Colonel *
* Member of Swiss Guar😛 military regime 2
* Member of Swiss Peace Party
* Swiss ambassador to Bolivia September 2012
* Medals:
- 5 Battle Hero
- 1 Super Soldier
- 1 Constructor Society
- 3 True patriot

In the first instance, to get elected Congressman, I agree with the people of Switzerland to fulfill my role as best as I can, looking for the best for everyone, with a preponderance of new users, making easier the early days in the game , presented to us as the most difficult, as not knowing the move in eRepublik.


* Be aware that laws are carried at fair and balanced Congress, both the eRepublik benefit to the citizen's pocket, and above all, to be met across the board.

* Serve as a bridge for ideas, concerns and opinions of citizens are heard, ie an Active Congress. (Well, since your vote we should!).

* Help novices to perform well in eRepublik, promoting education policies so that all have the best possible knowledge of the game.

* Make the constant call to all through advertisements and information to participate, strengthen and defend Switzerland.

If you vote for me, know that they will be voting for eRepublicano that will always be committed to their role, and the responsibility to be part of the conference, not ceasing to be the people to whom I owe.

Let's fight. Fight for peace.

BM Punk
Member of the Swiss Peace Party