Blood on Water

Day 539, 13:05 Published in Romania Serbia by Dimitrij Ivanov

- Romanian parliament is currently voting about pece proposal with Indonesia and great majority of congressmen have voted YES. Is this only a strategic move of Romania or maybe a true desire to bring peace between these great countries? That is yet to be seen. We have to add that at the sam time Congress is voting for another proposition of procuring Q5 hospital for East Siberian Region (ESR), while Romanian MoD is calling Romanian citizens to move to ESR.

- Relations between Sweden and Germany have hit rock bottom. Unnamed source from Atlantis claims that Sweden has put an ultimatum to other members of Atlantis where they can choose between Sweden and Germany and if they pick Germany, Sweden is going to leave Atlantis. Source also claims that Romanian MoFA state😛 ”I prefer strong Sweden over aweak Germany. For Romania, Poland and Croatia it’s an easy choice”. Source also claims that Finnish representative said in his adress to Swedes: “I propose you negotiate with Germany and take what they give you. Later you can do whatever you want.”
Please take this information with a dose of reserve because the source is unknown and is hiding bahind Righteous Justice organization.

- Desperate cries for help of Israeli officials went almost unanswered. Their claim that Turkey is preparing an invasion was heard only by Croatia and their congress imediately passed the MPP document. Very noble indeed. Except there is no war and there is no signs it was even planned and if Croatian MoFA observed the situation more closely they would notice Israel already has a MPP with Romania and USA which practically guarantee Israeli independence. Not to mention that Israel already had MPP with Spain underway. What benefit would Croatia have out of this remains to be seen. This is never going to be “Mutual” PP and only victim here will be Croatian budget. Your first minus mr.Radman.

- 12.05.2009. around 15:00 erep RW was opened in Eastern Serbia and it was organized by ser Misa. RW was not approved by Serbian government nor any PEACE organization.
Main financial aide to RW is Capital Asset group. Capital Asset sent ser Misa the sum of 162 G through its covers Dukas ORG and eBank of Serbia. There is a reason to believe that ser Misa is only one of the alias of this organization. Rest of them are: Kevin Jordan, Richard Huver and Ke Pasa who got 81 G from ser Misa. Ser Misa then published numerous articles in PEACE countries calling for help in RW but thanks to intervention of eSerbia officials, not many people answered the call and PEACE troops stayed on Romanian front. Only side that benefit from this is Croatia which in absence of Atlantis war games got a solid training war.

- French Ministry of Defense is calling for new recruits. Conditions are:
* candidates have to be born between 23rd january andi 23rd april 2009.
* candidate must speak french and must be a member of eFrance forum.
* candidate must be ready to move in the next 48 hours and cannot perform official duties (member of congress or president of a party) in the next 14 days.
* candidate must have at least 3 finished battles.
* strenght of a candidate must not be under 4.
* candidate must go through 14 days of basic training.
* candidate must give a 5 G as a guarantee.
They are recruiting only 10 best candidates and you can apply here:

- The reorganization of PEACE is almost over. There is a new charter and it will soon be published and the great change in PEACE organization is so called “Magic Triangle”. Magic Triangle consists of three wings: Anti TO squads, Military HQ, Intelligence service.
New officials of PEACE GC are:
Supreme Commander - bisiacco
Vice Supreme Commander - NicoSianipar
Commander of ATO squads - DanielB1989
Chief of Intelligence Service remains hidden.
Vice Secretary General: Arthk
Spokesperson: GLaDOS.
Secretary General Zocky promises to continue fighting for liberation of Russia and Serbia and he anounces his retirenment at the end of this mandate.


Finland vs Sweden: Nord-Norge
- This is a training war negotiated between Sweden and Finland.
- Government of Sweden calls all of citizens to take part in this war because it will give them strenght for future actions.
- Adventurers who want to fight for Sweden can go to Gotaland or Svealand
- Finnish volunteers can go to Aland and Western Finland

Central Black Earth Region started by Karpat-Medence vs Hungary
- There are no official instructions about this battle
- Unoffical sources call to fight for resistance

Hungary vs Romania: Zaporozhia
- Like in the past few days Hungary continues to test Romanian strenght
- Having in mind that the wall went to +30.000 in first stages of the battle, we can say: Romanians are not sleeping.


- Do Romanians really want peace with Indonesia? Hardly. We don’t know what is the real intent of peace agreement but having in mind that Romanian government is putting Q5 hospital and calling its citizens to move to ESR it is obvious they plan to continue the war. By populating ESR Romania is trying to make China spend more money if they choose to attack it again. And by protecting that flank Romania will be able to concentrate on other battles where they can make advantage in numbers. This move will make PEACE stop and regroup and Romania could get an upper hand. We shouldn’t be surprised if Romania soon decide to put an DS in East Siberian Region.


- We should remember what happened in Asia not so long ago.