Blank Lies - The Truth of Pizza The Hut

Day 1,432, 10:52 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut II

While I am flattered that certain people feel the need to write about me all the time, don't we have anything better to discuss in this country? It seems like every day there is another article filles with more lies and trying to portray me as the great villain of the eUSA. Nothing could be further from the truth. My entire career has been dedicated towards fighting for the people of the eUSA and of eRepublik at-large. Let me take the opportunity here to lay out some of the major lies in Blank Keating's propaganda and the truth behind them.

Lie #1: Pizza The Hut is a PTOer.

Truth: I have never won an election without the support of the legitimate voters in that race. In contrast, those who engage in PTO's against myself and my friends and allies ship in voters by the boatload in order to achieve their desired result.

Lie #2: Pizza The Hut is a national security threat.

Truth: All of my actions have been dedicated towards improving America's security and making the eWorld more pleasant and enjoyable for all its residents. I have never once tried to harm this country and the only real life aspect I bring in to this game is my Patriotism.

Lie #3: Every time they take over our party it is a "democratic ATO".

Truth: For anyone whose ever read Orwell, this concept is familiar. The more you repeat a lie, the more likely you and the sheeple are to believe it. In reality it is nothing but a bullying tactic meant to tell a substantial sized portion of eAmericans that their voice and their vote does not matter and is not respected because you disagree with it.

Lie #4: Pizza The Hut has let in "enemies of the state" in the past.

Truth: Pizza The Hut has helped far more people from allied countries than enemy countries gain citizenship. Additionally, I have never assisted someone whose intention was to harm or destroy this nation, only to help it.

Lie #5: There is a massive Hungarian and Serbian conspiracy to take over the eUSA.

Truth: There are only two Hungarians with eUSA citizenship that I know of. One hates me, and the other is politically neutral. The number of Serbs is also low and consists of ones who are loyal to our country, and always fight for it, but because they are Serbian in real life they are automatically branded enemies despite proving their loyalty time and time again.

Lie #6: Any other faction of eAmericans taking power would steal money from tax revenues.

Truth: Coming from someone who supported the recent unnecessary and un-American tax hike proposals, this is incredibly ironic. I have no desire to steal virtual money and this is nothing but a baseless accusation made to further stir up fears. I would be more worried about theft from the current Secretary of the Treasury, considering he is from a group which has never honored a treaty or agreement in their entire history.

Lie #7: Pizza The Hut controlling a Top 5 party would be a PTO threat and lead to the destruction of America.

Truth: In reality the other four parties would just gang up and bully our candidates and members, and likely form a coalition so they can keep winning the Presidential Election. The PTO's done to keep us out of power are out of cruelty and spite, and the fear that more people are actually listening to our message and seeing through the endless lies.

Lie #8: Blank Keating was such a nice guy and gave me a chance to "redeem" myself.

Truth: In exchange for my idea that got him the Libertarian endorsement as well as my personal endorsement to my supporters, which despite what he says was the reason why he won the election, I was supposed to have a sub-cabinet position, which he then told the Secretary of State not to give me and tried to act like he had nothing to do with it. I told the Greeks that they were being betrayed by our government for their unholy alliance with INCI, an organization which had conquered Cyprus and had harrassed our Greek and Israeli allies with relentless invasions.

These are just some of the major lies which I wanted to address in Blank's article. Now you know the truth. 🙂

For Liberty,
Pizza The Hut II
Leader of the Resistance