Birthday Speech

Day 460, 13:44 Published in Germany Germany by Tolo

It struck midnight and this means it's my birthday today. Don't worry i won't be on for much of the day but thought it would be nice to talk on my birthday.

eGermany is well and dandy. We are not involved in any wars in the this furious burning world. Bullets are being fired, children are crying and we are living luxuriously. Our economy is flourishing and we are gaining citizens daily.

I think the taxes need to be adjusted a bit since we need to focus on exporting more of our grain. I also think i need too write more quality artices since i only have 12 subscribers according to Vaclav. I will start writing more about our relations with other countries i guess.

Our relation with sweden is at a stand-still. Nothing aggressive is happening. Many other countries are opening embassies in our forums and the IRC needs to be more active since morten and shoot may cause me to lose what's left of my sanity.

I am running for congress for my third term. Hopefuly if i get elected i will serve Germany for another term. Next term i will consider presidency. Vote Tolo

While i sleep i ask of you only to vote and subscribe and to tell me what you think of me as a president. Disregard the conversational tone of the last couple of article and base your judgement on what kind of person and my ideas for germany.