Bir Skandalin Anatomisi / The Anatomy of a Scandal

Day 1,287, 20:19 Published in Turkey Turkey by Walpole

Karmasik duygulalar icindeyim. Bir Rus’u, bir dusmani, eTr’mizin benimde yurekten destekledigim hukumetinin saygideger bir bakaninin iftiralarina karsi korumak uzere bu satirlari yaziyorum. Belki ihanetle ve belkide hayal bile edemedegim baska seylerle suclanacagim. Vicdanen ise rahatim. Gercegi gun isigina cikarmaktan ve dogrulugu yuceltmekten baska amacim yok ve bu ugurda odenmesi gereken bir bedel varsa odemeye hazirim.

Bu makaleyi yazma nedenim fiziksel olarak artik yok. 6 saat oncesine kadar vardi, ama makalenin sahibi tarafindan aniden silindi. Bahsettigim neden, disisleri bakanimiz Atillableda’nin artik olmayan makalesi. (

Makale silinmeden bir goz atma firsati bulamamislar icin ozetliyeyim. Sayin bakan makalesinde, Rus muhattabiyla (Mogaba) yaptigi son gorume hakkinda bizleri “bilgilendirdi” ve Rus muhattabi hakkinda bir dizi suclamada bulundu. Bu suclamalardan en akilda kalanlari Mogaba’nin saygiziz/pervasiz soylemleri ve yine Mogaba’nin Rusyanin Pan-slavic emellerine yaptigi vurgu. Sayin bakan, makalesinin sonunda Rusya ile barisin artik mumkun olmadigini ifade ederek, tum eTurkleri bu savasa destek olmaya cagirdi.

Mesele burada kalsa sorun olmayacakti elbette. Hepimiz, milliyetci savas cigliklarini atacak, makalede obur gune unutulacakti. Ama, ilginc bir gelisme yasandi. Disleri bakanimizin gorusmedeki muhattabi Mogaba makaleye yorum yazdi, ve ikisinin arasindaki konusma loglarinin linkini verdi.

Goruldugu uzere, bu loglarda ne bakanin Mogaba’ya atfettgi saygisiz bir tutum/soylem var ne de pan-slavic hulyalar ustune en kucuk bir dokundurma.

Bunun uzerine, sayin bakana makalesinde dogruyu soyleyip soylemedigini sordum. Cevabinda, Mogaba’nin verdigi likteki konusmalarin tam olmadigini, orjinal konusmanin cok daha uzun oldugunu soyledi. Kendisinden, orjinal logu aciklamasini istedigimdeyse, bunu kabul etmedi. Ustune ustluk, Rus muhattabi hakkinda iki yeni iddaa daha one surdu. Birincisi; Rus hukumetinin, Mogaba’nin ikili konusma sirasindaki tavirlari/soylemleri icin, kendisinden ozur diledigi. Ikincisi: Bu olay sonrasinda Mogaba’nin Rus hukumetindeki gorevinden uzaklastirildigi.

Bu iddaalarin dogru olup olmadigini merak ettim ve Mogaba’ya su pm’i attim:

Disisleri bakaniyla yaptigimiz tartismada, kendisi iddaa ediyor ki:
1- Rus hukumeti, mogaba’nin ikili konusma sirasindaki tavirlari icin, benden ozur dilemistir
2- Mogaba, bu olay sonrasinda, Rus hukumetindeki gorevinden uzaklastrilmistir.

Bu ifadeler dogru mu? Eger dogruysa, neden?

Mogabanin cevabi kisa ve net oldu:

1-Ilk kez duyuyorum. Rus baskaninin boyle birsey yapmadigindan eminim.
2-Hayir, dogru degil.

Bende bu ifadeleri Atillableda’nin makalesine yorum olarak ekledim ve bir sure cavap yazilmasini bekledim. Cevap verilmedi. Yapabilecegim bir sey yoktu, eDunyadaki gunluk hayatima devam ettim.

Ta ki, 1-2 saat sonra sayin bakanin makalesini sildigini gorene kadar. Bana soylenen, makalenin, Rus baskaninin disisleri bakanimizin ifadelerini yalanlayan bir yorum yazmasindan hemen sonra silindigiydi. Silinen makaleyle beraber tum yorumlar silindi silinmesine ama, Rus Baskani alicenaplik gosterererek bana makalenin altina yazdigi ama silinen yorumunu pm uzerinden tekrar etti. Soyledigi sey suydu:

Ben Rusya baskani olarak onayliyorum ki: Mogaba’nin ifadeleri hukumetimizin goruslerini yansitmaktadir ve bu ifadeler hic bir sekilde ozur dilemeyi gerektirecek ifadeler degildir. Mogaba gorevinden uzaklastirilmamistir. Halen yardimci disisleri bakani ve baskanlik danismani olarak gorevini surdurmektedir. eTr disisleri bakanin bu soylemleriyle ne amacladigini bilemiyorum. Kendinizi aklamaniza gerek yok, siz bize saldirdiniz, biz de kendimiz savunuyoruz. Bu oyunun isleyisi zaten boyle.

Ozetliyecek olursak:
1- Turk disisleri bakani, Rus muhattabi Mogaba’nin saygisiz/pervasiz ifadelerinden ve pan-slavic soyleminden duydugu rahatsizligi Turk halkina kiskirtici bir uslupla sikayet etmistir. Lakin, ortaya cikan konusma metninde ne bir saygisizlik gozukmektedir ne de Pan-slavizm’e yapilan en kucuk bir atif.
2- Turk disisleri bakani, olmayan ve carpitilmis ifadelerle, Turk halkini dusmana karsi kiskirtmis, kiskirtmaya calismistir. Daha acikcasi, kendi halkina yalan soyleyerek propaganda faliyetinde bulunmustur.
3- Turk disisleri bakani, Rus hukumetinin Mogaba’nin gorusmede gosterdigi saygisiz tutum icin ozur diledigini iddaa etmistir. Rus Baskani ise acikca boyle bir ozrun dilenmediginin altini cizmis, konusma loglarinda goruldugu uzere ortada saygisizlik olarak algilanabilecek hic bir seyin olmadigini ifade etmistir.
4-Turk disisleri bakani, Mogoba’nin bahsi gecen gorusmede gosterdigi tavir ve sozleri uzerine Rus hukumetindeki gorevinden uzaklastrildigini iddaa etmistir. Buna karsin, Rus baskani Mogoba’nin yardimci disisleri bakani ve baskanlik danismani olarak gorevine devam ettigini teyit etmektedir.

Bunlar, yenilir yutulur seyler degil. Hele ki bir disisleri bakani tarafindan yapilmissa.
Dost oluruz. Dusman oluruz. Yeri gelir dusmana eziyet bile ederiz. Ama, ne kendimizi ne de dusmanimizi yalanlarla ve iftiralarla onursuzlastiracak fiilerin icinde olamayiz. Disisleri bakanimiz, ne yazik ki bu temel etik kurali hoyratca bir aciklikta ihlal etmistir.

Sayin bakan, en kisa zamanda Turk halkindan ve Rus muhattablarindan bu davranislari ve soylemleri icin ozur dilemelidir. Sayin bakan, hem kendisinin hem de devletimizin uluslararasi arenadaki guvenilirligine golge dusurmustur. Bu durumu telafi etme konusunda yapabilecegi herseyi geciktirmeden yerine getirmelidir.


*************ENGLISH VERSION OF THE ARTICLE****************************

I have mixed feelings while writing this article. I am about to defend an enemy (Russian) and accuse an honorable minister of Turkish government, which I am a supporter of. I know I might be accused with treason or all other sorts of indictments. But, I’m relaxed; in my conciseness, I know that nothing deserves to shine more than truth. And, the integrity is not a “should” for us, human beings, but a “must”. I am ready to pay whosoever price for upholding these priciples.

The reason for me to write this article is no longer existent physically. It was there for a while until it was deleted by its author. I am talking about todays’s article first written then deleted by eTurkish MoFA, Atillableda. (

For those who missed the opportunity of gazing upon mentioned article, let me summarize. In his article, honorable minister “informed” Turkish public about his recent negotiations with his Russian counterpart (Mogaba), on a possible peace treaty between two countries.He made a bunch of observations, which can be summarized as 1- The behaviour of his Russian counterpart was rude and insolent. 2- Russians are still preoccupoied with Pan-Slavic dreams. He concluded that a peace with Russia is no longer possible.

If it ended here, there would be no problem. We will shout out our nationalist feelings as our comments and the wrticle would be forgotten in two days. But, something happened. His counterpart from Russia, Mogoba, commented under the article and gave the logs of his conversation with Turkish MoFA. The logs are as follows

As you see, there is no whatsoever reference to the Panslavic dreams of Russia in the text. And, I cannot see any rude or insolent attitude or words.

Thus, I asked Atillableda, whether he was not telling the truth. In his defense, he claimed the referred log of the conversation is not complete; the original one is much longer. But, he failed to produce the “original version” , which would settle the matter once and for all. Instead, he laid two new claims. First one: Russian government already apologized from him for the insolent behavior of Mogaba. Secon😛 Mogaba was dismissed from his governmental post as a result of this event.

I, the curious beast, was not truly convinced thus I pm’ed Mogaba the following message:

In our heated debate with Turkish MoFA, he claims:

1- Russians (? eRussian government, he means) apologized from Turkish MoFA in your name.
2- You were dismissed from whatever eOfficial post you held in eRussian government.

Are these statements correct? If yes, Why?

His response was short and definitive. He wrote:

1 - First time I hear about it. CP didn't do it at least, that's for sure.
2 - That's not true.

I copy-pasted these pms under Atillableda’s article without any comment and wait a while for a response. Nothing was written. Then, there was nothing else for me to do.

Then, 1-2 hours later I realized that MoFA’s article was deleted. I was informed that the article suddenly disappeared once Russian President wrote a comment which was denying the words of Turkish MoFA. The mentioned comment was deleted together with whole article. But, president of eRussia graciously repeated what he previously wrote under the Atillableda’s article to me via a pm. Here is what he sai😛

I am eRussian CP and I hereby approve mogaba's words as our state position, which definitely isn't something to apologize for. Mogaba hasn't been dismissed and stays vMoFA and Presidential advisor. I don't see the point of your MoFA, you don't need to justify anything, you attacked us, we are defending, that's the way this game works.

In summary:
1- According to logs of conversation, Russian delegate, Mogoba, neither showed a rude sentiment to Atillableda nor uttered a single world associated with Pan Slavism. Turkish MoFA simply lied about the content of this conversation
2- Turkey’s MoFA tried to justify the war against Russia and inflame Turks against Russians through lies and twisted facts.
3- Turkish MoFA claimed that Russian government apologized for the insolence of Mogaba. However, Russian president confirms that no such apology was offered and reiterated that there is nothing to apologize based upon the logs of the conversation
4- Turkish MoFA claimed that Mogaba was fired from his post in Russian government. Once again, Russian president confirms that Mogaba stays as vice MoFA as well as his personal advisor.

These ill deeds demonstrated by a honorable minister is not acceptable. Not acceptable at all. We can be friends. We can be enemies. We can even treat our enemies harshly. Yet, we neither can behave dishonorably nor treat our enemies as such. Our MoFA unfortunately defied this basic ethic rule in most obvious and blatant fashion.

Honorable minister must apologize from his Russian counterparts as well as Turkish people for these ill words and deeds.

And, the minister should execute whatever action required to repair the grave damage inflicted upon the reliability of our government in international arena.
