Big company sale

Day 539, 03:17 Published in Australia Australia by TheBlackAdder

Due to upcomming exams and a hell of a lot of work to do ive decided to sell my companys
I cant deal with senator, gm and inspector general all at once 😛 and im a little bored of the gm scene right now
although with the money i raise i *might* give loans to some new prospective gms

so heres the bargains

BlackAdder Grain - Q2 - high region - 37g
a saving of 3g from makeing a new one, decent business and made a bit of money while selling for extreemly cheap

BlackAdder Gifts - Q1 - 20g - SOLD to John Sykes
very profitable company, gift market is large right now! same price as buying new and comes with skilled employees and some RM!

BlackVarilion Diamonds - Q2 - high region - 40g
another very profitable company, and another good price considering it also comes with employees!

Prices are negotible to some extent, and discounts will be made if you buy more than one
If your interested in a company look no further 😃

(this article is also on the forums here
pm me or my org or comment here or on the forum, ill find it 😛