BHV: An Explanation for the Inexplainable

Day 884, 05:43 Published in Belgium Belgium by Reaussou">

Issue 7
Since most of you eBelgians come from abroad and not even 20% of the RL Belgians understand what the fuzz is all about, I present you an article about the thing that today made our government fall." border="0" />

Today Alexander De Croo, party leader of ‘Open VLD’, the liberal party of Flanders has announced his party is leaving the Leterme Administration, a cabinet which has now fallen 3 times in 3 years. It was an election promise of Yves Leterme, if he would be elected it would only take 5 minutes of courage to split BHV and do a state reform. Less is true and he resigned twice before he even started as prime minister and three times while being prime minister.
So what the hell is BHV and why do governments fall over three letters? A short lesson in Belgium." border="0" />">Big Image

All voting districts were merged to fit provincial borders in 2002. Except for the province where Brussels is in, Flemish-Brabant, they couldn’t find an agreement there… so they were like: “Okay, somebody else will have to fix this in the future.” Why couldn’t they find a solution?

In Brussels both Flemish and Walloon parties can run in the elections. The purple area is the voting district Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde. Because Brussels is in a voting district in Flanders it makes Walloon parties possible to run elections in Flanders! The result was French speaking people settled around Brussels, in Flanders, but still had the right to vote for Walloon parties. So the area around Brussels became Walloonized and more than 50% of the people now speak French in that area.

So in Flanders they were like, okay f*ck this shit, let’s bug them. So Flanders’ Government took all kinds of measures to preserve the Flemish language, like they ordered dual-language letters, street names and traffic signs and some other childish things like not appointing the French speaking mayors around Brussels.

Belgium has 6.000.000 Flemish people so you’d be like, you’re in majority, just vote them out. Think again.

The alarmbellprocedure makes it possible for a community to halt a law voted by congress if it is against their interests. This procedure stopt a law proposal and makes the proposal go to the government. A government we don't have. Our politics are in total chaos!

Currently we have this man organizing negotiations. Jean-Luc Dehaene...

He had till Easter to negotiate and find a solution. He gained some extra time in the extra time in the extra time and last night all parties were invited for the proposal. It was an epic fail in typical Belgian style. Mudthrowing between communities. The Flemish thinks they give too much to the Walloons and the Walloons think in reverse. Open VLD promised that if there’s no solution they would leave the government, existing out of French and Flemish Liberals, French and Flemish Christian democrats and socialist Walloons. So… new elections should be organized. Think again,… again.

The constitutional court in Belgium ordered that BHV should be fixed before new federal elections can be organized in a legal way. They ordered this because the voting district is an anomaly in contrast to all other voting districts.

So what will happen now? Elio Di Rupo of the Walloon socialists has already called upon the ‘decent’ politician to get their acts together and stop compromising a peaceful solution. More likely is they’ll probably find a juridical magic trick which will make elections possible and they’ll b*tch around for 4 more years to find a solution for the insolutionable.

Edit: The one-sided voting for the split of the district would be held today in parliament. But the head of parliament is now visiting our king Albert II. There's no law that describes the parliament can't come together without a government so there's a lot of question marks now. Is the king boycotting the vote, or shouldn't the parliament come together like we 'usually do'.

This was explained in a very simplistic way but now you should understand the essence when you hear about our glorious nation in the news tonight. To finish, some photos and names.

Alexander De Croo
Head of the Flemish Liberal Party

Yves Leterme
(ex-)Prime Minister of Belgium

Elio Di Rupo
Party Leader of Walloon Socialists

Mila Jovovic
Random Hot Chick" align="right">