BHP 01-09- Condemnation

Day 545, 15:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by demokratickid

BHP Bill 01-09

Passed by a vote of 3-0 by the BHP executive council on May 18, 2009

"Condemnation of Sweden"

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WE OF the British Honour Party do officially condemn the actions of the overly-bellicose Swedish government in their aggression towards Germany. These actions only serve the twisted common purpose of a few powerful eSwedes and not the common Swede, as it only draws them into a conflict that is not becoming to a nation of Sweden's stature in the world and ATLANTIS.

THUS, the British Honour Party does withdraw all contacts and business negotiations previously held with Swedish companies or government officials.

AND SO, the British Honour Party sends the warmest support towards Germany in this, what could be their darkest hour. Our thoughts and the thoughts of many in the world are with you at this time.


demokratickid, PP
vladtepes, PVP
Samo the Great, PS