Beyond Congress

Day 830, 11:03 Published in USA USA by Endy

Cleaning out all my Organizations and have alot of guns and Q1 tickets I don't need. Just comment below and I'll send you something provided I don't run out before hand.

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Not my normal kind of article, but gotta say something about all the "I didn't get into Congress" hoopla. Seriously it will not be the pinnacle of your ER experience. It's cool for all of the first week, then it gets boring quick. You can do many of the same things outside of Congress and more as you're not tied to the country.

See the eWorld

Head off, move around a bit, see the virtual world. Some of the most interesting times I had were when I used to hop countries on an almost daily basis. Go be "La Resistance" for awhile, or play the "bad guy" and crush the rebellion. There's also plenty of Militia's, Military Units, etc. you can get involved with and make a difference often fighting abroad.

Keep in mind your country's news is right under: Community>News change the flag to the eUS and you may as well never have left home.

Remember where your true home is though. When needed I drop everything and jet back to the country to help defend or more recently, happily, attack.

Policy Influence != Congress Position

That's right, you can sit in the Peanut gallery and still have a say via the eUS forums. If you have a good idea speak up. Some of the most influential people in the country don't sit on Congress.

Now your idea needs to be fully and utterly backed by some combination of logical reasoning with facts and figures to support it, but that's the same even for proposals by Congressmen too.

I've seen several of my random thoughts become pretty mainstream discussions, an RM Job hub, the equation for max companies in a country, etc.

There's plenty of room to pitch in though, none of us are able to analyze every opportunity available to the country in ER alone.

Gambling with a Side of Logic

Lastly, here's where it gets good, Investments.

My normal routine has me looking for places to risk some gold throughout the day. Making a profit isn't really the point, though I do make plenty 😉

The real goal is just the thrill of taking a risk. If you make some gold out of it then, "Great, you the man!"; if not hey you had fun. Try to break even, don't go completely crazy or you'll run out of gold pretty dang quick. I've gotten greedy myself on a few occasions and only through accepting what the market actually wanted, saved myself from virtual bankruptcy.

The best series I've seen on ways to earn extra in game: ABC's of Getting Rich

There's also now the eUS Stock Market/Financial Institutions you can try out instea😛

Stock Exchange

Financial Institutions

Anyways, hopefully this diffuses some of tension going on. I still recommend everyone do it once just to get an idea of what its like, but to also remember there's alot more to the game than getting a seat.

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