Day 1,620, 19:04 Published in Poland Poland by DrugarceMalo

This is my message both to ONE and EDEN alliances together !!

I simply admire how well written the articles you made are and how much you are contributing for your country in a virtual game.

It would be much better if people like you lead the countries in real world the any politicians who are leading your country. I'm not saying that they are nod good , but lets face it many of them are really bad in doing it and many of you guys are way better then them.

I suggest to all politicians around the wold that they should play the game and observe what you guys are doing here and earn some experience and see how are they supposed to do their job and lead their own country

I do not know what else can i say except a huge BRAVO!


Plato | 2 hours ago
Dear DrugarceMalo,
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Your eRepublik team

i love you as well plato 🙂