Better Know the AGW, Part 1: Seisan

Day 710, 15:27 Published in South Africa South Africa by AGW and Co

Hello readers.

I was planning on writing this article several weeks ago right after the PP elections, which were tightly contested here in the AGW. Recently (yesterday), I sat down (PMed) with Seisan and asked him some questions that he was gracious enough to answer. I hope this gives everyone a little bit of insight and a little bit more perspective in our current Party President, shown here:

Note: Artist's rendering of Seisan

Q: So, Seisan, tell us a little bit about yourself.

A: Well, my name is Seisan, current Party President of the AGW. I am 18 years old, senior in high school, living in Maine, USA. I originally joined this game thanks to Travis' advertising of it. I came here to eSA following Travis after the eUSA got almost completely conquered by PEACE and have been here since.

Q: How did it feel knowing you had such big shoes (Travis') to fill upon becoming PP?

A: It was....daunting to say the least. Travis had just left about a week after being re-elected as PP, people were leaving, etc. I really was quite nervous about becoming the new PP of the AGW at first, but thanks to the constant support of the party and the help of people like Enoch and Azreal, I'm not quite as nervous about it. Haha.

Q: What is the state of affairs in the AGW right now?

A: Well, as of right now, we are a party about half full of people who quit the game. Sadly, only a small handful of us are actually active in eSA while the others just 2-click. I am hoping to change this and get all the 2-clickers in the party to get more active.

Q: How is the party planning on recovering after a disappointing Congressional cycle since we lost a member of congress?

A: Well, I realize the mistakes that we made in the last elections. I hope that next time the party can get more organized so that we can coordinate our votes and get more people into Congress. I am also encouraging the members of the party to get themselves better known in eSA so that other people outside the party may vote for them as well.

Q: What would you say your strong and weak points are as PP now that you've completed half of your term?

A: Phew, half a term done already. My strong points? Well, I dont really know of any. I dont think Im the best person to answer that, lol. Probably my biggest weakness is that I know very little about politics and economics which doesn't really help in a game centered around politics.

Q: Finally, what are your plans for the future?

A: One of my plans for the future is to help improve the name of the AGW so that people no longer associate our name with a "cult of noobs". I also want to get more people in the AGW and for at least the majority of the party to take some kind of active role in eSA. Personally, I'll probably stay here in eSA no matter what happens. I really like the people here and I don't know if I could stand being in a larger country again.

I want to thank Seisan for his time, and I hope everyone learned a little bit more about the man, the enigma know as Seisan.
