Better eRepublik!!

Day 1,298, 13:36 Published in Croatia Croatia by Lik the Freak

All normal features should operate with local currencies.
Gold should only be used for extras and for features that make life easier and/or advancement quicker.
Gold should only be bought.

eRepublik along with practically all free browser games operates on the business model called freemium. It means for most users it is free, but those who pay can get extra features / bonuses / whatever.
I play a number of such games. All other that I have seen are fully playable without ever considering premium features. I play travian, the most. There the premium features give you bonus to resources production, and some features that makes life easier (like being able to queue production or conversion between the resources).

eRepublik is different. Gold is an integral part of the game. You were unable to buy factories, start a party or a newspaper without having gold. Now, some form of factories can be bought with local currencies, but Q3 and Q5 is still for gold. All this features are integral part of the game. So without gold you cannot experience the game to its fullest.

Gold lets you advance quicker (raise strength) by using boosters. It also allowed more production, but that is now scrapped. In the past is let you post advertisement (much like to shouts we have now). These are all nice extra things, some people would pay for.

However, the main use of gold is to hit insane amounts in a war. Now, that is a problem, as it breaks the core game. It lets certain players to vastly outdo the normal users. Some players by themselves could hit for as much influence as a whole nation.

Here is how I think it should work:

* Each building, land, organization, party, newspaper, military unit, whatever should be buyable for local currency. Countries also operate from local currency. No gold could be used to enhance country wide things.
* Gold can be converted to local currency at a fixed rate. Thus you could have a production empire at day 1st of your eRep life, by investing RL money.
* Local currency cannot be converted to gold.
* Achievements do not yield gold. It could give you extra strength, economic skill, free weapons or whatever, but not gold. Gold could only be bought or maybe gained for new players.
* Boosters cost gold. It can boost production and strength gain.
* No gold can be used to influence a war. Everyone could hit for 300W, with weapons it bought, got or produced. No possibility to gain extra wellness by using gold.
* Gold could be used to buy advertisement place.