Best Countries to Live - Day 1230

Day 1,230, 06:43 Published in Austria Austria by erdoni

Hi 🙂

After a long break here are the lists of best countries according to their economic stats. (For citizens, not for general managers.)
This time I added a new category, War Pack, corresponds to 500 health food + 12 Q5 weapons.
And I choosed the best three countries by sum of the points they made for each category in Eurovision way, I mean 12-10-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 points 😛
All datas are instantaneous and taken via web ripper program as always.


Average of the highest salaries for each skill - Gold

1-) Greece - 0,288
2-) France - 0,279
3-) Bulgaria - 0,266
4-) Brazil - 0,265
5-) Ukraine - 0,264
6-) Poland - 0,259
7-) South Korea - 0,254
8-) Serbia - 0,248
9-) Russia - 0,247
10-) Hungary - 0,247

The health can be restored with the Average Salary

1-) France - 117,5
2-) Poland - 110,7
3-) Ukraine - 110,1
4-) Hungary - 108,3
5-) Serbia - 107,2
6-) Spain - 107
7-) Greece - 106,7
8-) Russia - 103,5
9-) Bulgaria - 101,9
10-) Brazil - 100,5

Gold price of a War Pack (500 health + 12 Q5 Weapon)

1-) Serbia - 3,1
2-) India - 3,12
3-) Sweden - 3,13
4-) Poland - 3,14
5-) USA - 3,14
6-) Lithuania - 3,18
7-) Spain - 3,21
8-) Hungary - 3,25
9-) Russia - 3,27
10-) Latvia - 3,34

How many days you need to work with the Average Salary to buy a War Pack?

1-) Poland - 12,1
2-) Greece - 12,3
3-) Serbia - 12,5
4-) Brazil - 12,6
5-) France - 12,8
6-) Hungary - 13,2
7-) Russia - 13,2
8-) Ukraine - 13,4
9-) Bulgaria - 13,5
10-) Spain - 13,6

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