BEP: The Destiny

Day 1,203, 17:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale

Greetings to all! In this article I find it fitting to keep everyone updated with events in the BEP and I hope all who read it will seriously consider, if not to join, to respect the party and our goals, principles and ideology.

Our Manifesto expanded and elaborate😛

We in the British Empire Party will strive to make as many military conquests as possible in order to gather up as many civilians as possible. More people means a bigger army, more tax payers, more buyers, and more resources in their regions. Thus, it is our goal to annex all of eIreland, by consent or by force, and fully integrate them into eBritish life. These people, some of which are open-minded enough to realise the benefits of joining the eUK, will be a worthy populous and bolster our military strength to take on tougher enemies should the need arise. Indeed, eIreland is the first step, but it is a great one. With our treaty with eAmerica and eCanada under PANAM, we will be able to successfully annex/conquer eIreland. Under the British Empire Party, we promise you, this WILL happen.

We will try to raise the VAT on food to 10% and lower the VAT on weapons to 4%, making more money for our country's treasury and at the same time lowering the price of weapons. This will in effect give our citizens a better chance to fight more often and do more damage, improving our military as a whole. There are certainly programs to give weapons to citizens, but not everyone knows about them or about the different units of military. Thus the only way to truly get across to everyone is by lowering the tax on weapons.

Foreign Affairs:
We push to keep a good and beneficial relationship with Serbia, but also with our new friends in the Americas. Hopefully this situation will allow the eUK to do more on her own terms with smaller nations, such as eIreland, which will hopefully be annexed. Although we will defend to the best of our abilities nations small nations such as Belgium, if it to our benefit to annex ANY nation, with consent of the population or with our military advantages, we WILL do so. We will push the boundaries of our nation to their capacity. The people and products and wealth will bolster our economy beyond belief. This is the fundamental aspect of the BEP.

Education and the New Ones:
As demonstrated already in the BEP, we are committed to helping people who are either new to erepublik or lacking of experience in it. My own personal companies, Imperial Materials UK and Imperial Arms, aid 19 individuals in making a living and hopefully this number will increase. By giving these jobs out, we establish a link. This link with the players and citizens who inhabit this country is absolutely critical in the development of good relations, education, participation, and at times entertainment. We will be more than jubilant to accept newcomers to this game, even if they lack the level to join to party (we will give them access to our forums). This influx of new citizens will fill our party with diversity and demolish the old order of monotonous oligarchy so well enjoyed by the few and powerful.

An Update:
There have been 2 more people who have officially joined the BEP as of today. There are about 5 more who are either waiting for the proper level or awaiting citizenship. We are still making progress!

That is all for now. Please stay with this newspaper to receive further updates on the BEP and other happenings in the eUK.

Join the BEP today!