BEP Health Initiative

Day 1,215, 06:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale

Back to real news,

The BEP has announced today the start of a new Health Initiative.

This initiative will consist of free-food (purchased by Mickale) to be distributed to low-health employees and people of the eUK who are either new or returning to the game. All one must do is message the chief distributer Mickale with this phrase in it: "I'd like some food" - which can be spun into anything from "Me wantz da food" to "Give me ze foodenstein".

It was made clear that the orchestrators of this programme have high hopes that it will boost the productivity, if ever so little, of both the manufacturing and raw material sectors. I'm sure all managers can relate to having a horribly low-health worker who makes 1 block of iron for 16 pounds. I'd like to add that this free food offer can also be recommended to people by managers. For example, if someone joins your company with 0.5 health, instead of firing them, notify the chief distributers (Mickale) including a link to the persons profile and they will receive food to improve their wellness.

There are probably such programmes like this already in existence, but this one is quite simplistic. It takes into account the 2-clickers and the ones who don't participate on the forums. So, if you see someone with low health, let the chief distributer know!

- Sponsored by the BEP

-Join the BEP

(Note: I am helping food companies by buying vast amounts of food lol)

[Edit: Vadigor will not be allowed food from this programme.]