benskius for eLiverpool (not-a-manifesto)

Day 210, 11:38 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius

I'm wondering what a "manifesto mania" takes place on everyday news... It's hard to keep myself of writing one too... but I'll try to.. and will only say this:

First of all I'd like to thank each and everyone citizen of eLiverpool, for your help, support and believe in me during last month...

I'm standing for that position again, so if you were satisfied with job I have done during 1st mandate, you will vote me again.

After three days I'll be answered the question: did I succeed or did I fail as mayor of eLiverpool.

I'll not give out promises again, as I had not give one month before. Cause you already had me as a mayor and you know am i bad or not with this.

Vote your best candidate, or at least one who you think is the best 🙂

That was everything I have to say about upcoming Local elections.

Now back to everyday life.. It's still 3 days left and I'm still your mayor... So I'd like to remind everyone:

Check your inventory for food on a regular basis.

If not yet done so, please sign up on [a url=]eUK Forum[/a] , where you'll find nice and friendly community from all over eUK...

Thanks for reading.
Mayor of eLiverpool (yet) 😛