Belgium/UNL News: Flanders and Brussels Were Freed by the UK

Day 756, 10:54 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

Since my last report on Belgium and the United Netherlands not much had happened in either country. The Guilders of the UNL dropped in value due to a mistake of their government causing them to launch a campaign urging their citizens to buy the currency so they're taken from the monetary market, the discussion on the merger with the United Kingdom also seemed to have stepped into the background without any decision being met, and The Group continued their exploits in Belgium.

Today, however, a major breakthrough was achieved. Exploiting the fact that EDEN is currently occupied elsewhere, the joint forces of the United Kingdom and the United Netherlands managed to finally capture Flanders in their third attempt.
The last ten minutes saw the wall rise from -91000 to -6000 in the last few moments, however ultimately the Dutch and British forces prevailed. It appears as though the oppressors had lacked interest in the battle, as not many Romanian tanks were to be seen and Highst of The Group hinted on IRC that they would have accepted the loss without too much grief and do not particularly mind it.

Cheerful cries of joy were heard all throughout the UNL's and Belgian IRC channels. Immediately afterwards, the United Kingdom also attacked Brussels. This battle will end in a bit less than a day, so nothing can be guessed about the outcome yet.

How the future of the region is now going to look like cannot be predicted at this point. As new resistance wars by The Group remain a threat it's not unlikely that the stronger United Kingdom will hold on to them for a while. The subject of a merger of Great Britain with the United Netherlands is not out of the way yet either. What awaits the Dutch and Belgians in the future still lies in the stars, but today they have nonetheless won a much anticipated victory, and another step towards the reunion of their nation.

UPDATE: Brussels has been won as well, Belgium is now entirely liberated!" alt="rathaus brugge-groß.png" />
(This is the city hall of Bruges, by the way. As of today, back in the hand of the United Netherlands!)