Belgium, a history lesson

Day 421, 12:57 Published in United Kingdom USA by Palodigon
Belgium, how it became independant again

One glorious day (I'm too lazy to look up what day it was. 😛) the UK declared a war on France. The reasons behind this, I cannot remember. Something with a RW somewhere or something. But the first days of the war where fabulous. We were able to conquer Lower-Normandie on the first day and Canada, the US and other Atlantis members had conquered regions in France.
But it didn't take long for France to call for aid. France had alot of MPP's with fellow PEACE countries and they all helped France.

The UK launched more attacks on France but all of them has failed. France wasn't alone anymore. We were fighting against PEACE now.
And I think it was during this war that the discussions around the decoders popped up. Decoders; fpr the people who don't know what they are, are software that answers the trivia questions for you. 5/5 and all supershots. This means you'll inflict much more damage on the wall and you only loose about 5 Wellnes. Or 10 I'm not sure, but decoders are an unfair disadvantage.

It was mostly Atlantis countries that accused PEACE countries for using these decoders. I have seen people inflicting the same damage over and over again on both sides so it would be hypocrite to say only PEACE used decoders.
But I'm going to shut up about the decoders before the discussions start again.

The war continued and France got back the region that was conquered by the UK. But they didn't stop there. They decided to invade Belgium too. I later understood they did this to get Gold from the UK treasury but I can honestly say I was quite pissed.
Not only because Belgium wasn't in the hands of the UK anymore, but also because of how the MPP's work.
If France were to attack UK territory that is UK in real life too. MPP's would kick in for the UK and France wouldn't stand a chance. But because the Belgian regions aren't original UK regions this didn't happen. This is completely wrong and pissed off alot of Belgians and UKers.

France had taken over Belgium and had received GOLD from the UK treasury for conquering these regions. But they couldn't keep Belgium, and I doubt they intended to keep it so eventually France started Resistance Wars in the regions of Belgium and one by one they became Belgium. Not UK again like most Belgians wanted.
The most active Belgians came together to decide what needed to happen. After hours of debating we came to the conclusion that another takeover of Belgium by the UK would be way too costly. More than 500 Gold to start the war and launch attacks on the regions.
Instead they decided to keep Belgium, it would remain an independant country. But Brussels (wich wasn't conquered by France, and thus stayed UK territory) would be the place where most Belgians live and prepare the country to be an independant country.

At first I was pissed at the French for the attack on Belgium. But sometimes I am thankful for they have actually encouraged us the create an independant country. If they didn't attack us we would've waited longer for independance.

The sad thing is, Belgium became independant right after the congressional elections. This means that Belgium was doomed to have no government for almost a month. During this month nothing could be done. No taxes could be changed, the citizen fee stayed 50 BEF (wich is alot) and the minimum wager couldn't be changed either.

The first president of the new Belgium is Bruino Goethals. But a president is almost nothing without his congress. But someone had to take the spot.

Luckily the BLG (Belgian Local Government) had alot of BEF and could somehow control the economy and was able to prevent inflation.
One of the main objectives at the time was getting the value of the BEF to 1 BEF = 1 BLG.

How is Belgium doing now?

We're preparing everything for the next congressional elections. We have to keep inflation low, create ministries, manage the country actually.
But untill we have a congress there's not much we can do.

I just hope Belgium can remain an independant country and will flourish. 😃

thank you for reading this.