Beidh an lá linn!

Day 826, 13:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Dagda
Beidh an lá linn!

The day will be with us

Today, Day 826 of the New World, the eUK has attacked eIreland in an attempt to "liberate" Northern Ireland. And today, eIreland will stand together as one. If we fall, we fall as one. But if we succeed, we will have done it as one. One nation, out lasting.

The Brits are greater in number, but they are cowards. They publish fake orders, trying to trick the good people of eÉire. These scummy tactics will not go unnoticed, we will fight harder than we have ever before to protect what is ours. Hibernia is united, and the poor Brits can't stand to see it so.

Good eIrish people: fight green, fight for the defense. Berserk. Fight to 50 wellness, heal, and fight back to 50. Don't fight empty handed. Fight armed.

Fight for the DEFENSE

Keep the Tricolour flying over Ulster