Before You Vote, Consider This

Day 777, 09:29 Published in USA USA by Aaron S

Before you vote, I would like you to consider a few things...

The current situation in China is bleak although the current administration has downplayed the events of the past days, asking us to put it in perspective even. So, for some perspective, Russia is attacking Xinjiang and Lioaning as we speak. I'm sure we all know how disappointing it would be if Lioaning fell but don't be fooled into thinking that Xinjiang is a useless region. I am sure you still remember that land bridge Pakistan created to Serbia to bring them to Asia. There is about to be a similiar land bridge across China to Liaoning using the same 'free wars' and swapping tactics that lead Serbia into Pakistan.

Jewitt's Presidency was such a success that we spent tens of thousands of gold removing Indonesia and Iran only to allow them to be replaced by a much more capable Serbia. The attacks on Jilin and the latest one on Inner Mongolia were brushed off as minor mistakes. We are all expected to ignore these mistakes; forgive and forget. We are told they aren't a big deal and that we can stop the bleeding by giving Shaanxi back to China. The problem is that these were a big deal. They are a huge deal. The whole justification for going to China was to weaken Phoenix. These mistakes have directly facilitated in the strengthening of Phoenix.

I do not feel Jewitt has taken responsibility for these mistakes. He certainly has not assured me that they will not continue in a second term. So while I acknowledge Jewitt's success in capturing two pillars, I also acknowledge his impending failure to secure them. It is for these reasons, along with the awesome Vice Presidential pick in Ligtreb, that I voted for Woxan.

Thank you for your time.
-Aaron S