Before we get ahead of ourselves...

Day 1,050, 03:18 Published in Canada Canada by Chamrajnagar

I'm not going to speculate on the validity of the now-leaked logs purporting Alias Vision in cahoots with JBDivinus and Rolo Tahmasee.

However, I was struck a bit, having never seen AV on IRC before. So I went on IRC, and sure enough, neither AliasVision nor JB_AFK were registered nicks. And in the leaked photo, there were 2 Mibbit windows open...meaning the person could have concocted the entire story...

I still havent decided who I'm voting for, so this isn't a don't bash Alias article. I'm merely asking everyone to take a step back and analyze all info they're given, before they start some wild goose chase.

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Decide for yourselves...
