Beeman For PP Of EPIC

Day 1,392, 14:56 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

Why vote for me? Because I am a lefty. Because I love the spirit of EPIC, the spirit of freedom. The spirit of egalitarianism.

I represent everything about EPIC, by working in the CAF i am in constant contact wih new players, constantly listening and helping.
I take suggestions from people regardless of their identity. If you want the true scope of a man, look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. I was an NCAP mentor until the program sorta died. I think the reason I do all this is because I remember my own humble beginnings, and I am sure many of you old dogs do too.

To the new players, I am honest. I am kind unless something pisses me off. I have been in the party for a while, and I joined it because I support its values, I support everyone having a voice, rather than being crushed by the masses of old guys who dominate the media. No one should be silenced. EPIC will not silence you. I will not silence you.

To the oldfags: You know me. You love me, hate me or are indifferent. So be it. I know I can do nothing to alter your views; they have a solid reason behind them, I trust. Just make your choice.

I pledge to get people into Congress. I pledge to set up the Vanguard. I pledge to be a good, if not great PP.

Vote Beeman on September 15th.