Beeman For Congress April 25th

Day 1,277, 06:52 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

I am running for congress in the Northwest Territories with EPIC!

I plan to promote MPPs, military funding to CAF/TCO/HOPE! I am an active member of the community, and these are things that prove it:

CAF Chief Public Relations Officer
CAF Chief Morale Officer
CAF Supply Officer
#eCan IRC Moderator
Forum Moderator
eCanadian Mentor
Congressman in: Ontario, Yukon

I promise to be an active member of congress and promote congressional activity! I pledge to analyse each law proposed in the best interests of eCanada and her Terra/EDEN allies!

Please consider voting for me on the 25th! A vote for me is a vote for Congressional activity!

George Beeman

P.S. Alfagrem is a nuisance. To people living in the UK, please snap his credit card. Thanks.