Beaver Action League (Congress Elections)

Day 2,834, 23:27 Published in Canada Canada by Majial

Hello again ladies and gentlemen,

Congressional elections are here yet again so i thought i'd write an article announcing my top 5 choices (I think i found a nice balance while ensuring BAL activity) and sharing what i feel BAL stands for and why we should get your vote today.

The answer is always cookies

First of all lets get to the top 5 candidates

1, Thedillpickl 15x Congressperson.
Everyone knows dill and how dedicated he is to making Congress as active as humanly possible while still ensuring it works the way it should , These things made him an excellent choice , Plus i just love pickles.

2, T.E Lwrence 9x Congressperson
T.E was the previous BAL party president before myself and like dill is dedicated towards congressional activity aswell as keeping our party as relevant as possible , His avatar constantly makes me think of that awesome actor Peter O'Toole

3, Majial (me) 3x Congressperson
This is my first term (attempt) at the party presidency and anyone who knows me knows i'm a great proponent of the forums to not only work as a tool for Congress but to add extra depth into this game , Also i tame unicorns and shoot rainbows out of my ass so there's that.

4, Simulare 4x Congressperson
I'll be honest i don't know Simulare as much as i probably should but he is a very active and vocal player and that's exactly the kind of player required in Congress at the moment.

5, Zarathusra
This will be Zarathusras first term as a Congressperson but new blood is also needed as we move forward ,While keeping Congress stocked with experienced members is a good idea i believe adding new members prevents stagnation.

So there they are the BAL congress team.

And boy are they ready!!

Now i'd like to say a few words about what the BAL means to me.

We are a group of individuals who treasure the right to our own opinions and to be able to voice them how we see fit without anyone else telling us how we should think and vote ,We use these rights in every aspect of the game whether it be politics or debating in the forums or in article comments sections (the true bastion of free speech).
Since we are all individuals i'm sure my fellow Beavers all have differing views on the party and what it stands for aswell (the comment section is below guys 😉 )

Vote BAL because *We give a DAM* !