Bean for CP.... wait what?

Day 1,741, 10:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bean&teddy

Yup you read it right, I Bean&teddy intend on running for Country President this month.

Now before I get into all this I would just like to thank everyone who voted for me and ILP yesterday in the congress elections.

I would also like to congratulate everyone who was elected and I look forward to working with you as a fellow congressman. 🙂

Now about that whole CP thing I mentioned, I have decided to run this month and this is just the first of many articles I will be releasing in my campaign to gain your support.

Let me get a few things straight, I will not be mudslinging at all, I hate it and I would encourage everyone to avoid it. Lets try have a clean election this time.... besides I am not interested in destroying anyone's reputation, I am more interested in focusing on what I will bring to the table, what I can do for you and why you should vote for me.

So to get things rolling I will release some of my idea's today. Some might think it's stupid because someone else might take them but so what if they do, I think they are good idea's and would like to see them implemented for the better of eIreland regardless of whether or not I'm elected.

Firstly I will be organising a Party President Council.

I believe it is important that every party has a say in Irish affairs regardless of their orientation. I will have scheduled meetings with this council and it is a chance for every party to get their say.

I will also be available constantly on irc and in game for suggestions etc. I plan on setting up some sort of suggestion box so that rather than constantly criticizing what I am and am not doing you can give me feedback and help me help you.

I plan on brining back National hits. For example every Sunday every MU joins #Ireland and we coordinate a national hit. Not only would this strengthen our military power but it would also give everyone some sense of community. Being the current MoC it's easy to see that the community is something that can definitely be improved.

I have many many more plans that I will release throughout the week but I assure you I am more than capable of the job considering I have experience as:

ex-Vp of Ireland
2 x MoC of Ireland
4 x PP of ILP
5 x congressman of Ireland
Current commander of LA

So thanks for reading all that 🙂
And dont forget... 😉

Bringing bacon to EDEN.