Beam Me Up Trekker: An Interview and Contest

Day 2,725, 15:56 Published in USA Peru by Jude Connors

Greetings and Salutations, My Fellow Americans and Ajay Gipper Hut.

As reportedrecently in Circus Americana, Trekker Tlumac was re-elected Country President of the eUnited States. I caught up with him at his Victory Celebration and he answered some questions for me amid the balloons, revelry, and cheesy Kool In the Gang music.
After the interview, I have a gift for the first 25 commenters.

Jude Connors: Congratulations, Trekker... I would like to take a few moments to interview you. Is that OK?

Trekker Tlumac: I will answer what I can.

JC: Awesome. I am so lucky and a bit hard right now. Before I get wet, tell me... How does it feel to be re-elected Country President? Were you concerned at all with your competition?

TT: It is a relief that the campaign is over. I understand how important campaigning is, but it also is time that we could spend working on the country as a whole.

TT: Wooky was a good competitor and greatly out spend me on the campaign trail. It is hard to compete with that as all the money I earn goes towards training, tanks, and food. Was concerned the word I would have used? Probably not. But I was hyper-aware of his campaign.

JC: Thank you. Now, it is said that a President is only as good as his Cabinet. Are you keeping the same Cabinet, or are you planning on making some changes this term?

TT: I love my staff and they have served me well. Of course I want to get more and more deputies and staffers in to work for my team. The Cabinet itself will remain largely unchanged. The one notable exception here is that Tom Cauchon will be taking over as my new Secretary of Media.

JC: He's an awesome addition. Media clearly needs some help. Next, with Indonesia completely wiped out by the overpowering might of eAmerican strength, what are the plans for the future?

TT: We are currently discussing the options and there are no firm plans. When we do have some idea of what we want to do, congress will be addressed on the matter, and later the general public.

JC: That's fair. Switching to Interior Department, is there any domestic plans in the works to help the eUSA community that is struggling due to the overall lack of interest in eRepublik as a whole?

TT: As far as domestic plans go, we have some ideas on things we want to do. I will not mention specifics of plans because if they fall through I look like a tool for promising them and not doing them.

TT: The community in general is something I agree we need to spark interest on. I tried to make sure new players have everything they need. And older players are harder to plan for, as they either are hooked on this game or they are angry and log in out of spite for Plato. lol

TT: I am welcome to hear the ideas of players. I will always listen to people. And, where possible, use the ideas that seem to make the most sense.

JC: Listening is good. More people should listen to me from time to time. And they should also listen to my radio show Magic Carpet Ride with Jude Connors every Friday at 20:00 eRepublik time on RadioStar.FM.

Trekker stares at Jude like he's crazy.

JC: Yeah, I shamelessly plugged my radio show and internet radio station in a middle of an interview.

JC: OK, let's finish this up. Now that you have achieved Country President and True Dictator, what are your personal plans for the future in eRepublik?

TT: Well first and foremost, I serve out my term to the best of my ability. After my term concludes, then I will make future plans. I have no intention of leaving the game. I am here until the server shuts down.

TT: I suspect that the post-CP/D me will still be tanking along in battles and mildly active in active in party politics and MU command. I know right off, I want to continue work in NSC. I really enjoy it there. And I am willing to serve a deputy to any director they might have (though I personally think TheNorm is the man for the job).

TT: The only other thing that comes to mind is potentially taking a world tour after I leave office, as part of a cooling down process. But that is a big maybe at this point.

TT: My only true focus for the next 30 days is the eUSA and performing my job well.

JC: Thank you for your time, Trekker. I know you are a busy man.

TT: It was my pleasure to be here Jude. Take care, and may your tomorrows find you well.


To celebrate this interview with President Trekker, I will be giving 1000 wellness (50 Q7 Food or the equivalent) to the first 25 people that comment with "Beam Me Up, Trekker".

As always, it's been YOUR pleasure!

Jude Connors