Be careful! The thieves are going to act again

Day 2,246, 04:00 Published in Egypt Spain by etchner

Catalgiptians, that curse cast of people who impose us a dictatorial racist regime where people only can live in Egypt if they're catalans in the Real World, want to Take Over a party in order to keep the control of all the country.

[03:39:39] edahi:
[03:39:49] necessito un candidat a ERP
[03:39:53] urgentment
[03:39:58] avui és l'últim dia

I'm going to translate this to English.

[03:39:39] edahi:
[03:39:49] I need a candidate to ERP
[03:39:53] urgently
[03:39:58] today is the last day

Remember that ERP is Erepublik Republicans Party.

We can't stay calm while contemplating how these thieves steal us every day. Remember, they Took Over another parties as LSD. Now, they'll attack to ERP and Here Cairo. In the future, they'll attack 7izb Al Tahrir

It's time to react. We can't be friends, we can't repeat another Appeasement because everybody knows how Appeasement ends.

We MUST kick catalgiptians out of eEgypt, we have to erase them from Erepublik. All together against the tyrants.

This is our goal

1) Don't buy raw, weapon or food sold by citizens with a catalgyptian avatar.
2) Don't hire in your companies citizens with a catalgyptian avatar.
3) Fight against catalgyptians goals