Be Aktive!

Day 1,310, 12:36 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL

Maybe you noticed, maybe you didn't and if you didn't its time you do right now.

eIndia needs active communication!

There, I said it! The most important thing about this game: ACTIVITY. And how do we get this activity? Through active members of the community who communicate with eachother. So what is the most important thing for activity? Communication!

Let me introduce you to something new:

Meet the A² aka Aktive Association.
If you're not in it, you're an idiot.
Joining is simple:


How to show the Aktive Association that you're active? Well you could ask for the A² avatar picture, but getting that one ain't easy and it's only for the elite Aktivists. An easier way to show your aktivity is joining the forums, the eIndian forums to be exact by following this link: and register. It'll only take you a minute and by doing so you'll enter the world of A². When you did so you can enter the Aktive Association's thread and let the A² know you're an Aktive member. That way Aktive will acknowledge you as an active member of our beautiful community and the rest of the eWorld may recognize you as active.
But be aware! This isn't some single-act-to-be-part-of-it thing, you gotta stay alive and kicking to prove you're worty of Aktive membership. That way you show A² that you're active, you help your community and you just might become an elite member of the Aktive Association.

Before you all start asking how to become an elite Aktivist, I'll answer that question for you: You have no idea at all, the only thing you know is that you must stay active for eIndia.

Remember, activity is the key to a better eIndia!

founder of the Aktive Association

++ Join the eIndian forums, signing up takes only a minute!
The national eIndian chat can be found by joining #India on the Rizon channel or by clicking on Chat Room on the national forums. Activity is the key to a better eIndia! ++