BDP - Policies!

Day 1,089, 17:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by British Democratic Party Hub
British Democratic Party – Policies


Being within the Top 5, our party is of course concerned with any and all Country President elections. Foremost in many minds is what we will be doing about such elections. We will look to pursue an alliance with other parties similar to our own, and run a candidate together. Last time we had a significant impact upon the outcome, which would have been more than enough to swing the results one way or another. We proved that we can have an effect on what happens, and that others should pay us more heed.
However, while we will try and seek out an alliance with other parties, we will hold a poll within the party to see who we believe should run. Anyone can nominate themselves, and we will all make the decision together. Once that is decided, we will organise the manifesto and advertisement a good few weeks before the elections themselves. This is so we will not be caught unprepared should the negotiations with other parties prove fruitless.

Our party truly feels that this is a huge part of the daily running of the eUK and should be treated as such. More manpower goes into this ministry than any other, and rightly so.
It is a well-oiled machine which works efficiently. However, there is always room for improvement. Home Affairs have always run great competitions and carried out fun activities, but this may not always be effective. Fun though they may be, they actually have very little functional value. Only those concerned with the forums are bothered about them, and even then the number is very low. We believe that Home Affairs should dedicate the vast majority of its effort to the retention of new players. Part of this could be achieved by placing just one or two dedicated people within the in-game chat rooms, as well as staying active on the in-game forums. In this way, we can better reach those who are perhaps out of the loop or need help. This would give them a person to go to for help, and perhaps make them feel more involved. Bombarding new people with demands to join the national forums should be avoided however, as this could make them feel overwhelmed and could lead to adverse effects.

The British Democratic Party is dedicated to staying in Phoenix and continuing strong ties within the alliance as it is an essential part to any foreign policy. Without them we would be stranded and lost. We should look to increase our standing further and encourage an even higher-level of trust and communication between the countries. We have also seen many tensions arise throughout history. If we are to progress as an alliance, we need to talk-out and calmly discuss any concerns are problems. There is no need to resort to childish behaviour. The preference would be to set our differences aside and concentrate upon the goals of the alliance as a whole, rather than individual glory. However we understand that Britain must stand up for its own interests at times thus we will oppose any attempt to further political union within PHOENIX or any other super alliance the eUK may join, or any attempt to take away the eUK's power to make decisions for itself.
We must also pursue better relations with countries who are neutral. Many people shrug them off, or underestimate their importance, but we have seen time and again the impact they can have. A prime example is Italy staking its claim with EDEN, when it had once been much closer to Phoenix. This is partly down to neglect, and not communicating properly. We are not saying we should pressure them into anything, or try and persuade them one way or the other. We simply need to approach them in a friendly manner and talk them as we would to any Phoenix member. They may not be in our alliance, but their friendship would be invaluable.
We should also try to pursue friendships with neutral alliances. While we should not try to force them into Phoenix, we should certainly try to at least make some attempts at improving relations between us, regardless of past misunderstandings.

The BDP strongly believes in the freedom of the individual in the economy. We believe that the free-market is the best road to a strong economy and prosperity for all. We believe that the government should not interfere in the economy and that individuals are best left to themselves. We believe that small government is the best way forward. The government's only responsibility to the country is a strong military thus we believe that taxation should only fund the military and if necessary military funding should increase. We also believe that the government has a responsibility to publicly release government spending figures so that citizens know where their money is being spent. We will also support all citizens who wish to start up companies for the first time.
In government we promise to:
- Keep taxation as low as possible
- Increase the economic freedom of the individual
- Keep state intervention to a minimum and publicly release all government spending
- Provide a strong, robust military
- Support business and entrepreneurs

The BDP believes that the military needs reform. The recent disputes between Congress and the military tell us that the military needs more independence and needs to be free from government legislation. We will look to repeal the Armed Services Bill and free the military from unneccesary legislation and regulation.
We will also look to privatise certain aspects of the military. We will sell off all military companies to the public to the highest bidder to raise funds for the Treasury. We will keep the military publicly funded through taxation but we will change the way in which weapons are produced. Instead of paying citizens in the military minimum wage to work in an army company, we will purchase weapons off the market. We believe that in the long term market competition will drive the cost of weapons down and cut military costs.

The BDP military policy is the following:

- Repeal the Armed Forces Bill

- Privatise certain areas of the military to cut costs.

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