BCC - statistici (continuare)

Day 586, 10:18 Published in Indonesia Romania by rockets

Tin sa atrag atentia tuturor care nu ati citit vechiul articol sa-l parcurgeti si sa participati la sondajul publicat: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/bcc-statistici-841866/1/20
Tot acolo veti gasi informatii despre programul ucenicul si monitorizarea persoanelor care sunt inscrise in program.

Lista membrilor.
Lista cu numele celor inscrisi in BCC dupa prima zi de la publicarea anuntului o gasiti aici: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=r1vOMX474947lYciVQe_GPA&output=html
Va fi updatata zilnic pana se va ajunge la o formula stabila.

Separat, va rog pe cei care aveti ORG-uri sa participati la minisondajul de aici (este necesar 1 minut): https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=cmUyV2doRzU3NEFhWlVXVy1RbkZJN2c6MA..

Pentru alte amanunte: http://mibbit.com/chat/?server=mibbit.rizon.net&channel=%23matzanesia&nick=



I want to bring in you attention my last article with the submission forms. Pls read it and complete it: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/bcc-statistici-841866/1/20

Member list.
Here you have the member list for now. The list is updated daily so it will be more changes. For a short review: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=r1vOMX474947lYciVQe_GPA&output=html

For those who have Organizations, pls complete this form: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=cmUyV2doRzU3NEFhWlVXVy1RbkZJN2c6MA..

Use the chat for more information:: http://mibbit.com/chat/?server=mibbit.rizon.net&channel=%23matzanesia&nick=