BC Congressional Candidate- Treian

Day 581, 07:32 Published in Canada Canada by Treian

Hello to all eBC citizens!!

I have decided to put out this article to anounce my running in the congressional elections. I would like to use this article to outline the platform I will be running under. I will keep this short and to the point.


We need to keep jobs and higher wages here in eCanada and in eBC. To acheive this we need to ensure our government must keep all our funds secure and stop issuing new funds as this will cause our dollar to loose value and cause wages to go down. I will do what ever I can to stop this.


I fully support the continued expansion of the CAF, I believe eCanada needs a strong military to continue to be an international power. I believe that we need to ensure that we have training wars as often as possible so we can keep our military in tip top condition. Not only will this help our military but the average citizen and those who are on the CAF waitlist. I would also like to see an increase in CAF possitions to shorten up the waitlist, giving us more numbers in the CAF will give us a stronger military.

Health Care

I think BC is the next choice for a Q5 hospital, and with that more people will be moving out to BC as the Q5 hospitals tend to help in attracting new citizens. Once our Q5 hospital is in place we can move our Q4 hospital to another province or territory that needs one.

If you agree with my goals here, then vote Treian in the upcomming conressional elections.
Thank you all.
