Bazookas, Medals and Home Affairs

Day 1,346, 15:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Betafoxtrot

Wrong bazookas...

I hope by now at least the vast majority of you have noticed your new weapons; the bazookas. These weapons take the place of the 1 gold weapon boosters that people used to use in the mini battles and are pretty much the same thing. The difference? These ones are free! That's right, there was a blue moon, a pig flew, etc, admins have replaced something you had to pay gold for.


Under this new system, however, you have to 'find' parts for it during fights after you kill another player. After you find one of each part, you can then create one by going to your storage and pressing assemble. Now you have in your hands a 3 shot, one hit kill weapon that deals out 5000 influence per hit or 15000 influence in total. While I don't think this will change the game a great deal at all (it should have very little economically) I think it's a good idea. Of course the advantage is with the rich players who can fight more often and will therefore find more bits, but, it will also be of use to newer players who will rank up faster as they'll generally only be able to fight bare handed. I shall however cover this more later.

Don't google bare handed with safe search off.

Something people may not have noticed is the new medals. Only one has been revealed so far which is the Mercenary medal - kill 25 enemies in 50 countries - but there are two more that are coming soon though there is no information on what these might be. Although this medal sounds easy to get, just the cost of moving around is expensive to the relatively poor players and being seen to fight allies in enemy territory may not go in your favour if someone sees you doing so.

So now my favourite part: Home Affairs. Or rather, the Ministry of Home Affairs.

I have been the Minister of Home Affairs a fair few times (5 for those counting) and been a part of it for the pretty much my whole elife (again for those keeping score, round about ~18 months) so I have seen it change, then change back and finally change again many times. It's a much smaller team as it once was, after V2 when the whole eWorld saw a large drop in players it was fairly common to only get one or two applications to join. In hindsight this was good. It allowed it to adapt from it's bloated state to become more streamlined and as a result more efficient place.

The ministry is important because it deals in arguably the most important part of any eCountry, that is player retention. Once a player joins eRep it can become quite daunting. For instance someone new may not even find the forums and wouldn't know what all of the buttons on the homepage do. This is where the Ministry comes in. As well as reading the welcome message set by the CP, new players get a PM within a couple of days (hopefully) directing them to the forums and places that'll help them. This is only the beginning. From there it is the duty of the Ministry to provide a constant help when ever it is needed, through mentoring schemes, educational articles and just generally being polite and helpful. How ever cheesy that sounds it is essential to retention. All you need to do is to look to the past where nations have had a sudden surge of new players (known as a babyboom) and had no system in place to help them. They then got bored or confused about how to play or even a combination of both and then quit, leaving the country in exactly the same place it started. Retention is key.

A Key.

So if anyone is there reading this and wants to help but doesn't know how to, there are many ways they can. A players party can guide them in the right direction, most have their own schemes to help new players though with the exclusive intention to get them to join the party (that's not to say it plays a big part in helping the UK). If you're already involved with your party and still want to help then just PM Kevy Shabado or Jinnb who are the ministers of Home Affairs, they are sure to help.

Before I go, a big shout out to MKD! I've fought in a lot of their wars and RWs and I know they have helped us even more than we will ever know.

Hail MKD o/

Thanks for reading be sure to sub and I may write moar, and thanks to anyone who voted me into congress :3.

Lots of love,
