Bayer Likely to Recieve ~17%, Possibly More, Says Poll

Day 561, 21:34 Published in USA USA by Robert Bayer

According to a recent poll done by Lex Scandalex on the upcoming presidential election, former Senator Bayer is likely to receive up to 17% of the vote.

The full results had current-President Scrabman in the lead at 33%, followed by Sen. Kyle321n at 31%. Though Sen. Bayer wasn't listed as one of the candidates, "other" candidates received 17%, with 19% undecided. Even if only half of those people wound up voting for Sen. Bayer, that would be a large improvement over the last election.

Yet the fact of the matter is that Sen. Bayer is the most visible alternative candidate to the politics-as-usual candidates, Scrabman and Kyle321n. Sen. Bayer has the endorsements of the US Green Party and the Socialist Freedom Party.

In addition to the 17% in favor of "other" candidates -- with a majority most likely voting for Sen. Bayer -- it is quite possible that Sen. Bayer's appearance in a prominent interview will boost his support among the 19% of voters who remain undecided.

In fact -- though this is admittedly very unlikely -- if all 17% of "other" voters go for Bayer and, additionally, the all 19% of the undecideds vote for Bayer as well, Senator Bayer would win the election with 36% of the vote. This vote percentage should be compared to the 3% of the vote that the Socialist Freedom Party candidate, Spade, received in the last election -- and indication of both increasing awareness and support for the Socialists.

Perhaps more significant is the fact that, though earlier polls had Scrabman winning the election in a landslide with more than 60%, more recent polls have concurred that the election will be much, much closer.

Vote for Robert Bayer, the Socialist Freedom Party and US Green Party candidate this June 5!