Battlefield report #16 (Sons of Szent István)

Day 592, 14:30 Published in Colombia Serbia by Dimitrij Ivanov


- In the last few days eyes of the world have been pointed to small Serbia. Great battles, maybe the greatest of all time were fought on her teritory. A series of offensives and counter-offensives in Raška, West and East Serbia and Vojvodina filled the news in media all around the globe. The war for liberation of Serbia is over and the last battle – RW in Belgrade is ending soon. With great and invaluable help from her allies Serbia stood up on her own two feet and now is stronger than ever.
It all started with Hungarian conquest of Vojvodina and its return to Serbia. Croatian government then declared war to Serbia trying to take Vojvodina back before Serbia signs MPP with Hungary. Croats were stoped by Hungarian attack on Slavonija and next day Croatia looses control over her own congress. Then Serbia takes initiative and invades Raška on 25.06. With the help of her allies Croatia manages to push back PEACE coalition forces. Serbia then starts two more attacks that failed. 26.06. at East Serbia and on 28.06. in Raška. Hungarian High Command realize that high concentration of PEACE troops in Serbia just isn’t enough and in order for the operation to be succesfull, Hungary must include it’s regular and reserve army from original teritory.
Serbian and Croatian congress (which is under Serbo-Hungarian control) is given instruction to vote for MPP with Austria. After voting in favor of this proposal, Hungary attacks Austria and activates MPP with Croatia and Serbia. Hungary then attacks Serbia in Vojvodina and Serbian president sounds retreat. Vojvodina gives oportunity to attack West Serbia and Belgrade which are under Croatian occupation, and Hungarians invade West Serbia on 01.07., and on 02.07. they invade Belgrade.
At the same time Serbia makes another attack on Raška and East Serbia and with the great help from Indonesian, Iranian, Italian and other PEACE members troops succedes in breaking spread lines of Croatian-Romanian defenses and liberate Raška on 30.06. and East Serbia on 01.07. With the liberation of Belgrade which ended on 04.07. at 10:15 erep, the last stage of occupation of Serbia has ended. eSerbia should celebrate this day as her National holiday. LONG LIVE 4th of JULY – DAY OF SERBIAN LIBERATION!

- Interesting battle was fought in West Serbia on 01.07. The battle which proved that eRepublik players are hungry for medals. Just a few seconds before the end of Hungarian offensive in this region, a Resistance War against Croatian government started. This RW lasted only a couple of seconds and it’s initiator Endy got a Battle Hero Medal for 47 points damage. We congratulate you on your achievement, our hero Endy.

- In an effort to protect its borders as well as its high wood region, French government calls all citizens from regions without hospital to move to Aquitane. New Q5 hospital and Q3 Defense System were built there These two constructions should protect France from possible Spanish and American invasion. All citizens who move to Aquitane will receive money for their moving ticket. Ticket should not cost more than 12 FRF.

- Italy started with the implementation of German restauration plan. In coordination with German troops under command of Habraka Abrivianius, Italians started RW in Baden-Wurtemberg and Saxony-Anhalt. All Italian citizens are invited to fight in this war on German resistance side – Red. After withdrawal from these two regions Italians still have control over Thuringia and Bayern but we can soon expect transfer of control over them to German administartion.


Organization of Hungarian Armed Forces

Hungarian army is one of, if not the strongest armies in eWorld. From its modest beginnings when it was unprepared to protect its country from Romanian invasion, Hungarian army grew into powerful and respectable force and every country has to take that into consideration when planing the operations. The head of the army is llevi who has enormous help from his deputy count adyn. Hungarian army is divided into three major parts: Elite unit, Regular army and Reserve army.

Elite Unit
Elite unit of Hungarian army consists of strongest Hungarian soldiers who are also among the finest eWorld soldiers. Unit has 50 soldiers and they all have strenght over 11 and rank General or Field Marshal. This unit has a substantial help from government. Every member of the unit recieves 2 weapons of Q2 quality and 10 HUF daily. If there is an important battle then member of this unit are being equiped with high quality weapon and gold for wellness packs. Elite unit commander is Kampec.

Regular Army
Regular Army is backbone of Hungarian armed forces. Her members are volunteers with 7+ strenght. Regular army consists of 12 regiments (század=century). Regular regiments have soldiers with the rank of captain and strenght 7+ but there are number of soldiers with 11+ strenght serving in these regiments. Commanders of regiments are:
1. Narco Mcmorris 7. Mijamoto
2. Csipet 8. AdamZahovay
3. Janigga 9. Reebeezlee
4. Monsz 10. papplaci
5. Zsezse 11. Kormanyos
6. Nacil 12. --- TBA (To be announced)

Hungarian government finances regiments of Regular Army with 800 HUF weekly and during major operations soldiers of Regular army receive Q1 weapons.

Reserve Army
Reserve Army is one monolithic unit called MATASZ (MAgyar TArtalékos SZázad – Hungarian Reserve Regiment). Regiment consists of young unexperienced soldiers who make their first step towards military career by joining this unit. MATASZ has over 300 soldiers in its ranks and is the biggest organizational entity of Hungarian army. Members of this unit are being called to arms only in great danger and during that perod are given Q1 weapons. Commander of this unit is kecsegm.

During major battles Hungarian army accepts te help of paramilitary units but purely on volunteer basis. The most famous paramilitary units in Hungarian service are Shaok’s “kerka squad” and IHA (Indonesian Hungarian Army) which is made of Hungarian citizens living in Indonesia.

Many analists and even Hungarian soldiers consider the battle for Vojvodina, the biggest Hungarian victory ever. The battle was fought between Hungarian army backed by Serbian, Indonesian and other smaller PEACE detachments on one side and Croatia with her 10 MPP’s on the other. Hungarians succeded and conquered Vojvodina only to return it to its rightful owner the next day. During this operation Hungarian and other coalition soldiers received more than 3000 Q1 weapons and hundreds of Q4 and Q5 weapons for the elite, not to mention gold for wellness packs.

* Hungarian army is the biggest proof that government must be involved in financing its armed forces because small companies operated by army are not capable to maintain high level of readiness. Hungarian government realized that fact and by following that goal Hungarians succeded in creating the strongest army in the world. Organizational structure of Hungarian army is pretty simple and absolutely satisfies the needs of modern eWorld army. It gives higher mobility to troops and lowers time needed for reaction. Idea to keep all conscripts in one unit and under control of a single commander is very good as he can easily asses which soldier is suitable candidate for Regular Army. The beauty is in simplicity and that is what makes Hungarian army the best organized army in eWorld.


Saxony-Anhalt started by Habraka Abrivianius vs Italy do 04.07. - 12:00 erep
- Bolnica: Q5 = Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Umbria
- Oružje: Q1 = 0.12G, Q2 = 0.24G, Q3 = 0.51G

Limpopo started by Durruti vs Brazil do 04.07. - 23:30 erep
- Bolnica: Q5 = North Region, South Region, Gauteng
- Oružje: Q1 = 0.17G, Q2 = 0.49G, Q3 = 0.70G

Southern Basarabia started by flik vs Romania do 05.07. – 07:00 erep
- Bolnica: Q5 = Transilvania, Moldova, Muntenia
- Oružje: Q1 = 0.12G, Q2 = 0.24G, Q3 = 0.41G

Hungarian Army