
Day 4,935, 14:52 Published in USA Bulgaria by Ancho The Magician

Hello Guys,

This is an short fiction I wrote some years ago in bulgarian, I decided to translate it and post it here for fun.


I'm Perrin Aybara and this is part of my journal.

Day: I don't have a clue anymore.. This thing has been going on for far too long.

I looked at the other two in the tent. One was tall, with red hair, a dangerous look. Something inside him screamed madness and hate. One hand was missing, the other holding the hilt of a sword with a heron on it. Beside him, smiling confidently, was our general, Matt Cauton. One of his eyes was missing and covered with a pirate bandage , as they would say in my dimension. The two were very different. The tall red haired man looked like a king or emperor from every angle. On his head he wore a crown of swords, small swords and thorns that dug into his skin as a reminder of the weight of the burden he carried. This was Rand al-Thor. Me? I didn't know how I'd ended up in this situation. I looked out again at our camp. As far as my eyes could see, there were tents of our warriors. About a mile or so away, there was a sea of trollocs , creatures of the dark. Some of them had a crescent moon on their foreheads, others waved the ancient banner of blue and white, others waved the sign of their Lord of Darkness, Zdlemy. I didn't feel good at all that day. All I had to offer that day were the wolves following me, and my axe.

-Matt, what's the plan? - Rand asked, frowning.
-It's easier than it looks. We just have to hold out until our allies come. I have some very nasty surprises for them. - Said the general, still smiling
Alright, alright. My hands are itching already. I'm ready to use balefire if I have to. MAM and Zdlemie's trolls have no feelings, it's like they're puppets on strings, pfff. I have no scruples for them, I'll use whatever it takes.
-Are the dragons ready to fly, Matt? - I looked at the grinning psychopath.
-Ah, of course . We had our differences, but they're always ready to fight for the motherland. Everyone had something to lose, even those huge scaly bastards. Аh! There he is - Matt turned, making a deep sarcastic bow to the man who was just entering the tent.
Vasilev looked us over from head to toe. Like any dragon, he was extremely arrogant. That's why we couldn't stand them. Rand and Matt were the most toxic warriors I knew, but at least I understood them. The dragons? More like no.
-Hey, guys! We're ready! Looking at Rand's goofy look and Matt's insane grin, I'm almost afraid to ask what you've got prepared for them.
-Ah, I think you'll like one of the surprises. Machin Shin, the Wind is among us today. He's ready to throw everything. I think I'll use him to the maximum. He's almost as crazy as Rand. - Matt said, glancing at Rand.
-Blood and ashes! Lets hurry and crush them! My blood boils and I wand to taste their fear. - growled Rand, continuing towards the exit.
-Blood and ashes ...-I muttered and followed him.
I could hear Vasilev's quiet laughter behind me and could almost feel Matt's arrogant grin, like something was gnawing in my back. I swear, at that moment I may have been the most normal among our generals. We hurried in step after Rand until we reached the first lines of artillery on the battlefield. I looked to the west and east as far as my eyes could see. There were three lines of artillery ready to fire at any moment. And there he was, their commander, known for his precision strikes and almost surgical accuracy.
-Hmm, it was time. I was beginning to wonder if you'd show up. - Doc said.
- We're barely holding Windfall. We've got to hit them now.
Rand looked around the lines, ten legions of heavy cavalrymen in front of the artillery, Windfall was standing at the helm. Ahead of them was a slowly advancing sea of Trollocs, pupets of MAM and Lemmy.
-Come on, Doc! Now or never! I'm thirsty for blood!-screamed Rand.
-Of course. - Calm and looking at the enemy, Doc raised his right hand... And cut off sharply. A thousand guns roared as one. Again and again and again!!!
The first trollocs were closing in! Suddenly the ground under them seemed to collapse, and thousands slid into slime and mud. The artillery kept hitting them.
-FLY, WIND FLY! - yelled Matt.

And as one the whole of Windfall's heavy cavalry swept forward towards the hordes. Blood and screams covered the whole field.
-It's my turn. - Rand said, drawing his sword with the Heron, roared and rushed forward into the melee, lightning and fireballs in his path.
Ten, fifteen minutes, half an hour, an hour passed. In the distance Doc's artillery was pounding at the farthest lines of the enemy, those with crescent moon on their foreheads. I could see him wanting to go straight in himself. But I knew it was my turn. Then Vasilev's dragons. I took a deep breath, let out a howl, and behind me came the howl of a thousand more wolves, each one as big as a bull, with teeth like daggers. There was sun on their foreheads.
We are coming, Bulgarians, we are coming! Macedonia is with you.


This article is my view for an old battle in erep in 2019 🙂