Battle Updates

Day 648, 10:25 Published in South Africa South Africa by Azreal
eSA update

The Q5 hospital is done! This means that the war games will now be able to commence 🙂
The first one will start today at 1😇0 eRepublik time! I plead for everybody to try and take part in this and to take advantage of it everytime there is a war game to increase your wellness.

Previous Orders

Ok well in my previous article I asked everybody from the 1st Platoon of the Pretorian Guard to send me a message to acknowledge that you are active. Out of the 25 sign ups I have received 10 messages. I will start trying to get to the members personally who I haven't heard from. But for now the current orders are to try and stock up on weapons (if you are working enough) and to FIGHT!

The battle will show up here

And lastly if you haven't done so already I would suggest that you subscribe to the Ministry of Information Paper! This information is very important and useful. Here is the the latest article and try and always vote it up! Ministry of Information

Freedom for All

Lieutenant Azreal, 1st Platoon of the Pretorian Guard