Battle of the Volgue

Day 476, 09:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice P Fossil

Fellow Atlantis soldiers! Hear me!

Today is the day of days, the endless hordes of Asia are at the Gates of Europe, the vile pechineese and their lapdogs are trying to break into our fair country and wreak havoc. Today their march of destruction ends ! Today we shall say:

"Nay, ye shall not pass, no enemy of Atlantis shall set one foot beyond the Volgue!.

We shall carve in the history of this world the words COURAGE, DEFIANCE and STRENGHT ! By these words of power the Volgue becomes today the river of fire, from our desire comes forth the flame that will push the invaders back into the darkness from which they spawned.

Let your hearts fill with Pride , Hope and Honor for today we stand against many but we do not stand alone, we are united in a band of brothers and the bonds we forge shall never be conquered by others, never again shall the tongues of serpents come between Romania and those who are our friends and allies!


All hail brave warriors!
All hail mighty ones!
We salute you!

Now to arms! For tonight we shall dine in Hell, in the Hall of Heroes !! And our enemies shall taste nothing but our cold steel.

Written by Mistwalker (re-published in the eUK with his kind permission)