Battle of Liaoning, Valley of Mexico, and Western Siberia, Day 1038

Day 1,040, 15:21 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

With the end of eRepublik Rising, the Admins have been reverting slowly back to the original eRepublik. As a result, the war module, the most hyped feature of eRepublik Rising will now be changed. Many countries saw this as a last chance berserk to get last minute regions.

Serbia defends Liaoning, Both Sides Lose

The Chinese attack on the Serbian occupied region of Liaoning had occurred after several days of tension. This Chinese region had been held by Serbia for many, many months. On Day 1038, China moved in their troops into Liaoning, a region high in iron, but they were not alone. As this was one of the last battles to take place in eRepublik Rising before the newer war module came out, EDEN saw this an opportunity to make some potential gain.

This battle was widely published throughout the New World through the media, and many international mobile forces came into the struggle. Almost 7000 soldiers participated in this mass warfare. Near the halfway point of the match, EDEN forces seemed to be making a move on their PHOENIX counterparts by having a sudden surge of troops making their way to the capital.

As the battle progressed, Serbia was making a move to counteract the progress in EDEN troops. The Serbians held a particular hex, 18, 08, and deployed a hospital there as per their Buy Constructions proposals. This was not a glitch, but a simple, legal mechanic in the game. This was just one of several hospitals they put on the board.

This lengthy battle pushed itself all the way into overtime. The Chinese and EDEN forces held around 92% of the tiles around that time. The allied forces held overtime for about four hours. The Serbians pushed and pushed soldiers onto the map, and the allied forces were strongly outnumbered. As a result, Serbia defended the region of Liaoning on day 1039..

At the end of the day, both sides were left tired and deteriorated. There was virtually no net gain for any side. Sure, Serbia denied China back into one of the only high iron regions of Asia, but it was mostly a loss for both sides. Hundreds and hundreds of gold was depleted from each country. Many individuals also spent tens of gold on boosters.

Mexico attacks Valley of Mexico, All Mexican Regions Secure

Early on Day 1038, Mexico launched an attack on Spanish occupied Valley of Mexico. This high oil region had been held by Spain for around three months, and the Mexicans wanted back their lost region. For most of this battle, the Mexican troops had the upperhand, and they never looked back.

The Mexicans could have controlled the capital then and there, but they decided to hold tiles instead until the time was almost over. Ipika was the citizen of the match, though. He fought for Mexico for almost the entire match, but when there was around one hour left, he ditched them and ended up in Spain. From there, he waited, so he could get a Battle Hero medal.

Russia Attacks Western Siberia, Denied by Poland

While the battle of Liaoning was a main priority of many countries, once that was over, all eyes were turned onto Western Siberia. Russia had been reduced down to a third of what it used to be since the first St. Krems presidency. Trying to make some ground with a powerful Western Siberia, Russia pushed early on day 1039.

Western Siberia was rich in stone, oil, and iron, which was beneficial to the Russian economy. The Russians tried to blitz toward the capital, but they were held by a significant barricade of Polish soldiers. There were some international mobile forces in this battle (especially for Poland), but this was mostly a country to country dispute.

Halfway through the battle, Polish soldiers and allied forces made much ground on the battlefield, switching their purpose into capturing tiles to give less leeway for Russian soldiers. For the most part, this was one-sided, and so Russia ended the battle in defeat.

End Thoughts?

Most of these battles just ended in a stalemate gold wise. Hopefully, with the new war module, we can see more exciting battles as these ones. Oh, this is my first "military" based article, so I am very rusty. Please don't make fun off me because I will improve. And don't forget to vote and sub!