
Day 789, 14:27 Published in USA Croatia by marac2809

First of all I want to say thanks to all those who subscribed to my newspapers StreetNewz.

I want to inform all eUSA citizens and others that they can contact me on PM if they need any sort of avatars, logos, banners etc for they profiles, organizations, companies, banks, newspapers or anything else.

Why is important to have good visual identity?

Well first of all, when you wirte your article you need to have good idea what are you going to write, secondly you need to write it that its readable, for that you need to bold, underline the taxt you are writing or even type it italic, you use different font size, different coulors to make it attractive.
If you have a bank you can’t represent yourself in a bad look.
So you see why do you need good logo.

What can you do about it?

You can send me a message with details what do you want me to make for you.

What’s the price of this?

Well there is no fixed price because I approach to every problem individually according to its needs and abilities of every customer, but price is around 1 gold.

Some of my earlier works

Mr Dalibor

Disaster Martin">


Street Inc

Street Investment

Sremic & Kvesko Co


domagoj II


Ministarstvo Informiranja RH

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it, forgive me for my bad English.
