Bankruptcy and Chapter 11

Day 438, 06:54 Published in USA USA by Maxmillian VonWillebrand
By: Zagarius

I write this article on my first day in Ireland and as many of you may know, the economy here is not what you call ‘In Good Shape’. I did what many citizens do, look for the highest paying job and apply for it. This time that bit me in the ASS… Guess what happened?

I applied for a $24 IEP (Irish Pound) position, yet when I worked my first day I was paid less than the full amount listed. Now I cannot leave the company for 3 days! So what happens to me now? I am stuck working for a company that cannot pay its wages? I bet many citizens around this eWorld have a similar story to mine. Does this seem fair or even realistic to anyone here or more bad planning by the ADMINS? All you get is a silly message, "You cannot work today because the company doesn't have enough money to pay you. We just sent an alert to the general manager about this issue."

The eRepublik Wiki states the following: When a CEO of a company dies their company continues to hold money, supplies and even the products they have created. Yet, what happens to the employees? As in my case I am stuck to work for a company that cannot pay my wages and end up starving since I cannot work for a new company.

There needs to be an option for people to go into Bankruptcy, this would be for those people who cannot sell their company. Yet, no longer wish to run a company. Makes sense to me does it make sense to anyone else here?

I think the ADMINS should make a few rules for All Companies

1. – A company cannot post a job, if there is not enough money to cover the Pay. Then the company cannot post a job.

2. – If the company cannot afford the full amount of the pay for the worker than the worker cannot work. But, does have the option to leave the company now, regardless of the 3 Day rule.

3. – If the company has no money, than All Workers should be Removed Automatically to find a company that can afford them. Even if the worker has joined within 3 days.

4. – Allow an option that every CEO of a company can effectively DELETE their company, effectively releasing all their employees and removing a company that is a waste of space.

These options will help the Economy World Wide and the game play. I would think that ‘closing’ a company would have always been a choice, especially since having a company reduces a players Wellness.

Now what has happened in to the USA Treasury Bank, a former President hacked into the company and simply stole a countries gold because he knew this company’s login info. A very effective fix, would have been to allow this company to be deleted and a new one created. So after a year of the eRepublik running, why has this never been thought of???

Better Game Play is needed and this is the perfect start!

-- Thomas Jefferson (American 3rd US President (1801-09). Author of the Declaration of Independence. 1762-1826)

“I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principles of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale”