Bad News - From the Prime Minister.

Day 666, 05:15 Published in Australia Australia by stewstoyc

G'day eAustralia

This will probably be the last time i will be writing to you guys, that said yes i am resigning from the Prime Minister position. 🙁
The reason for this is because of a family issue that has came up and will leave me with hardly any access to my computer, this is not the way i wanted to end my term at all. I am really sorry to everyone who supported me and for everyone who voted for me, but this is no fault of my own and there is nothing anyone can do to prevent it.
I apologize to everyone in eAustralia, I just can't explain how sorry i am.

To take my place will be my Deputy Prime Minister Melchizedek Smith.
Good luck Mel.
Once again i apologize to you all, this is probably the end of my eLife as i don't have the time to get on, but i will try jump on to tell updates of whats happening.

See you guys around!

Thanks guys,
Prime Minister of eAustralia