Background Check 101

Day 734, 12:20 Published in Canada Canada by Christian Doe

At the bottom of the comments of my article about The State of Citizenship, there is a great post by fellow Congressman Citizen B where he explains how background checks are performed. I am reprinting it here in a separate post since there are only two days left to the current term and Congress will need to make good use of their remaining citizenship passes.

"It's simple to check a citizenship applicant out (Congress Members take note):

Check their friends list. If they have friends in high places in other nations, or if they have a lot of friends in an enemy country, skip them.
b) Check out their shouts. If they claim to be Canadian, but their shout is in Arabic or Hungarian - chances are they are not Canadian. Skip them.
c) Check out their donations list. If they are donating to or from, lets say, the Party for the Advancement of PEACE GC, skip them. If they were getting daily weapons from Indonesia or Russia, skip them.
d) Check out their newspaper to see what articles they've written. Go back to the beginning. If its in Farsi, skip them."

There used to be a good tool to check out where a specific citizen fought in the past, but unfortunately the site is currently down. But as you can see, performing background checks is easy, and it's a bit difficult to hide something in this game.