Back to the Shire

Day 979, 10:24 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

Man, yesterday, without a doubt, was the most exciting day in my young eRepublik life. My mind was on the fritz the entire day due to the very exciting Congressional races. I would like to congratulate all my opponents on a great race. It was mostly a up and down thing the entire day when it came to vote counts. Yet, at the end of the day, I pulled up with the most votes in my state, New Hampshire. Thanks to you, the voters of the eUSA, I have returned back to the Shire.

With my seat in Congress, so many doors have opened up. All these opportunities have opened up for me, and it's all thanks to you. I wonder if this is how Jay Leno felt when he figured out he would be leaving the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

"Oh yeah! Time to hit retirement. Stupid audience, my chin is not made of plastic! Giggity."

Or when BP had that tiny oil spill:

"Now let's see what Americans can do without the help of England. Stupid Declaration of India Jones, was it?

Anyways, I'm sorry that I have been constantly writing articles with so little length. I just felt like this was necessary to write, but I will start writing more longer articles in the near future. Thanks guys!

Question of the Day: What was your worst experience in school?

I remember the time I forgot my homework in second grade. Not too fun when you have an Asian as a teacher 😃.