Back On Track

Day 1,358, 18:14 Published in USA USA by Kijiman

I'm not sure you're ready. What's that you should be ready for? The train of course. You don't know what I'm talking about? *mutters*Some people, I don't even..- The Pain Train of course. And it's been derailed for quite some time now, but it looks like the Pain Train is back on schedule, and ready to hand out some one way tickets.

Now, I'm going to show you a series of images, and you tell me what feelings come to mind.

ONE cannot into China

In soviet Russia, you cannot into ONE!

In case you can't tell, the eUS and her allies are winning. We know this. In the last week alone, we've liberated nearly all of our remaining occupied regions. Now of course, the obvious question is why?

Well, of course the first logical thought that comes to mind is ALIENS! Oh no wait, that's stupid.

So let's get down to some real logic here.


My first reaction to these series of victories was the thought that the wins were attributed to ONE being distracted somewhere else in the eWorld. But this thought was soon dismissed, as I realized that ONE was losing everywhere, so where was there to be distracted by? But not only was the US winning critical battles, they were being won by huge margins in some cases.

However, these wins were not the results of aliens, or by ONE being distracted by some other unfortunate country, these wins were directly attributed to the somewhat delayed beginning of the communication of Terran and Eden countries alike, and the ability to coordinate battles together.

Our allies, being boss.

This new coordination allows for much more power than the eUS could ever hope to achieve by themselves, as well as lending a hand to other countries when they need it as well. Because the truth of the matter is that alone, we stand no match against ONE. But together, we will prevail.

The Pain Train:

Now, you might remember this Pain Train from before. And I'm going to tell you a list of its stops, and the times they depart, so you'll be ready to board when it is.

Now, the first stop on the Pain Train's list has to be Spain. Now, if Cerb is at least as military-intelligent as I am (not very), we'll be opening up plenty of battles in Spain and Spain-occupied French territories in the next few days. This will allow our official battles to attack one place, while the new RW system allows pretty much anybody to open a Resistance War in the remaining occupied states at the same time.

Next stop on the Pain Train? The rest of Europe. Even though ONE's power has been diminishing lately, that doesn't stop them from controlling plenty of regions in Europe, and keeping them too.

Most have not yet been able to replicate the success that the eUS has had in repelling ONE, and with our new-found partnership with Eden, we will most certainly be able to reclaim our allies' regions in no time.

Hail Eden
Hail Terra
Hail Aliens
Hail America
Stay classy folks,

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