Back from a holiday cat - Not amused

Day 1,152, 01:32 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells
(LolCat Image not provided.)

You probably haven't noticed the lack of what activity is left of me in the past few days, but I don't blame you anyway. All of this arguing bores me to death simply because I don't have much of a fighting part in it.

Onto an actual point, the job markets are looking pretty glum. I was just there the other day, and some guy asked me if I wanted to work at a nice little farm. I would've taken up the offer, had I not been offered the wages of a 4 year old. I mean, I earned nearly twice as much as that when I was a wee little level seven. Now I'm finally a level ten, and even though no one is surprised, I'm a bit shocked at what I'm seeing.

Of course, this is probably due to my lack of understanding of the so called "jargon" of the markets. Honestly, I probably wouldn't even be able to comprehend the blurb on the back of "Marketing for Dummies". I just hope I don't get shouted at for this...

This article wouldn't end very well if I dragged it on, so here's a a picture of a cute sheep doll~♥

(I saw this the other day in a shop on my holiday. I want it so badly.)