Babiez, Take Heart

Day 1,445, 04:24 Published in USA USA by Alex Lawrence

It's been kinda distressing/saddening/annoying to see a new wave of American babiez starting out in this kinda icky virtual world. Should you babiez decide to actually try to make it and play this silly game, here are some pointers for y'all.

Point 1: Hoard Your Gold

As a level 1-15 bab-e, you're going to be getting quite a lot of gold. It's shiny, keeps rolling in, and doesn't seem to be that valuable. I mean the admins charge 0.5 for a 10 point health pack, right? Well, yes, but that's because they like to make things expensive. Save your gold up, and then spend it on making yourself more and more self-reliant and more isolated from the market, i.e. having enough supplies to allow you to make enough for yourself to operate on a daily basis without spending cash on goods (this is what I have done).

For those smarter babiez, read over this article for good info on saving money up early and some ideas for early spending:

Point 2: Follow Military Orders

But I'm being told to fight somewhere in Eastern Europe, while my home state is being taken over by Pig-disgustings! Yes, that's right, you're being told to do that, and you should do it. If only for the fact that those are your orders, and going against orders is by military definition being insubordinate, you get a bazooka and an energy bar for killing 25 baddies in the prescribed battle.

Some of you are reading this now and thinking, "wait, I can get free stuff for killing people I would normally kill?" Yup, and you can do it with subsidized guns if you join a MU (Military Unit). There are many such MUs, check the eusforums or ask one of the other old, level 30 types for applications. To see what a regular MU page looks like, click here.

Still Paying Attention?

Now you are.

For those of you really stubborn ones, here's a breakdown of why we are not protecting your home state, right now:
1) Our alliance is not strong enough to go toe to toe with our enemies.
You read that right, America cannot kick the world in the nuts and get a smile in return in this game. Good thing we have RL though right? /umadbro. We are not defending our home states because we are being directly triple teamed by Poland, Serbia and Spain (not so much Spain anymore but yea), and of course they have their other couple dozen friends helping them along the way through MPPs (mutual protection pacts).
2) But our alliance is better.
I've seen many a bab-e say "Well let's get better allies/leave our alliance/be neutral/stop being pussies", but that's not too smart. Firstly, our allies have been very loyal and faithful to us, as we have been to them, over many months, and in some cases years, and throwing that away is just plain British stupid. Secondly, the coordination of our allies tends to be better than our enemies. There's a variety of reasons for that, but you don't need to know the specifics. And thirdly, there's a strategy behind letting them take most of our territories, and it has worked three times before. Get over it.

Read your e-history.

Point 3: Strength and Storage

I've added in this point because recently it seems like new players are running across the conundrum of building strength while trying to maintain economic stability. The thing is, as a young player (I now mean anyone who has been playing for one year or less) the likelihood of you being able to keep up with paying for anything beyond a climbing wall training camp on a regular basis is very slim. It takes a lot of resources to keep yourself fed and equipped for battle, let alone having enough surplus cash to trade in for gold to satisfy your strength training itch. You should build a training camp as delineated in the tutorial that is linked in point 1. For the lazy

In regards to storage, you should only build 1000 increment storage units, the 9000 unit ones are bought using gold, and as previously mentioned, gold is ridiculously precious. Using very rough estimates, it will cost you 15.75 gold's worth of USD to get the same amount of storage as a 36 gold, 9000 unit container. This includes cost of land for both options. Easy math there.

And in regards to fighting and ranking up, try to avoid using weapons for as long as you can, and fight as often as you can. You will level up just as fast using weapons as without, and the military rank bonus you get by using weapons is very insignificant with your little amount of strength. Sell all the guns you produce for at least the first month and use the cash to build your economy.

Point 4: Get Involved

For the oldfags of erepublik, they will all tell you things were better back in the days of V1 leading into V2. The game is still fun, but not as fun as before because of the game itself, which is admittedly mediocre at best. But what makes erepublik special is the community that has shaped it. For better or worse, a very cool and motivated stream of people have come through this game and made a lot of interesting things happen.

What's the point of me telling you this? If you play this game for the game itself, you will get bored, and you will leave the game after a few months (I did when I first joined). But when I returned after my hiatus, I got involved in the social aspects of the game, joining the emilitary, traveling the eworld, meeting new people, writing newspaper articles, running a business before the economy was broken by the admins, and getting political. Do the same thing, and you will have fun. Leaving a mark is the highlight of this game.

If you have any further questions, don't ask me, I'm pretty dgaf.

And that's it. Go kick ass bronies. Make the game fun again.