Day 1,331, 06:54 Published in India India by atimukt

Hello everybody.
After joining this MU i am getting good response.
Well all the updates related to ahf are posted here and will be editted day by day.
July 13,2011 upgrade.
AHF decide to give the dispatch food everyday at the following time according to erepublik.
00:00, 02:00,04:00,06:00,08:00,10:00.
I will once again say you to think about it and will recommend you to join this.
July 14,2011

AHF decide to give dispatch at 0000 0500 1000 so that all the members can recover the health in 5hours time.
Great move by AHF to through out pak.
JULY 15,2011
Hi guys once again.
Well today our main officials are not there so the junior officials takes the responsibilities.
Those guys names are neeraj and broodroosternsl.
So you can see that in this MU all the members have equal place.
JULY 16,2011
Hi guys.
King hannibal of asia,party president of AHF political party has decided that if more members joins AHF and if you remain on IRC chat than the dispatch time will be increased.Now they provide 3 times per day,they will give more than 3 times per day.