Day 1,330, 22:51 Published in India India by atimukt

Hello everybody.
I have joined azad hind fauj(ahf)and recommend you to join it too because there is no military unit in the eindia.The leader of this unit is shail.back
This military unit gives you 7-9 Q5 weapons on war days when india is losing the war and in future days this MU will give you also food in dispatch.
AZAD HIND FAUJ-political party.
This MU have its own political party too and in eindia it happens first time.
The president of this party is KING HANNIBAL OF ASIA.

Well i think you must also join this MU and the major feature in this MU is that you can do job in any company, you can work in the company of outside but you have to fight for india.
For more information ask to king hannibal of asia or shail.back